17. Apologies and Acceptance

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Good olden days............................

"Sir the patient is asking for you, please come inside" said the nurse to Shakti Khurana.

Shakti numbly walked inside still guilty at his deed. His one act of selfishness could cost a sincere officer his life. His daughter might never forgive him for this.

"Shakti sir" called Shivaay weakly from the hospital bed.

"I am sorry Shivaay" apologized Shakti his eyes brimming with tears.

"No sir, I would have done the same if it was Gauri. I understand that you did it for Prinku. I should have been more careful" smiled Shivaay.

"I tried my best to avoid it Shivaay. But it has been one week and they had my daughter with them. She is merely a child and must be scared. I could not lose her. I'm sorry that I had to hand you over."

"If anything happens to me..." started Shivaay.

"No Shivaay... please don't say that. I won't let that happen"

"Please listen to me sir" pleaded Shivaay and Shakti nodded.

"If anything happens to me please take care of Gauri. Abhay will be there with her but keep a watch on them. My personal details are not enrolled in the department records. They should never get to my sister sir" asked Shivaay.

"I will Shivaay. No one will know about Gauri"

"And Gauri should get married to Om. It was Tej sir's wish" said Shivaay and Shakti nodded.

"Thank you sir. That is all I wanted" said Shivaay.

"How is that possible doctor. I talked to him in the morning. How can he slip into coma"

"Mr. Khurana the patient has severe injuries on the head, ribs and abdomen due to blunt trauma. He had lost a lot of blood. Since he is young, the body tried to compensate for it. We gave the blood transfusion and put him on an artificial breathing device which will help him breath and he showed improvement for a day. But today afternoon, he had an episode of desaturation that means his blood oxygen levels came down because he could no longer breath with the help of the device.

We had to intubate him and since then he had not regained consciousness. Our assumption is that his brain suffered a neurological deficit during the episode of decreased oxygen levels. The brain is the most sensitive part of the body. Even a few minutes of desaturation could lead to its damage" explained the doctor.

"Does that mean he cannot talk? Will he not wake up?"

"No, there is no such rule. He can wake up in a week after a month or a year. We have to take good care of him. I will see to it that he improves."

"Okay doctor, please take care of him. I cannot stay here. No one should know of his presence here. He is a very efficient officer doctor. We need him."

"Sure sir. Anyway we are not in India. I don't think that would be a problem about his protection. Still I will be careful"

Shakti thanked him and came out of the doctor's cabin.

"Shakti ji, how is Shivaay?" asked Pinky worriedly.

"He slipped into coma Pinky. But the doctor said that he can come out of it" answered Shakti but he was looking at his daughter who did not talk to him since two days.

He tentatively walked towards her and held her shoulder when she jerked his hand off looking at him angrily.

"Are you satisfied now dad? You sold him off to those guys and they tortured him enough that he slipped into coma. You repaid him well for saving me. For saving your daughter"

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