Epilogue- Getting on with life

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One year later..................

"Thanks for helping Abhay. We really needed your help in the case" said Omkara gratefully.

"It is not at all a problem Om. You can call me whenever my help is needed" smiled Abhay looking at Omkara.

It was past dinner time and they were returning to Oberoi mansion after finishing an important detailing required in a case dealt by the crime branch.

"Gauri didn't call me since morning... How is that possible" Omkara thought out loud checking his mobile making Abhay smile.

"Roshni is at the mansion. What do you think they are doing" Abhay asked and Omkara laughed.

"If I am not wrong, the trio must be making new plans to irritate you" he said and Abhay agreed "Exactly, she never fails to do so"

True to their thoughts, as they entered the mansion they saw Gauri, Roshni and Rudra seriously discussing something.

Omkara took a step forward when Abhay held him back "Wait let me see what they planned this time" he said and both of them hid behind a pillar silently eves dropping on the round table conference.

"How do we know that Abhi loves Ishu?..... Rudy bhaiyya kuch bataiye naa...(tell us a way)" urged Gauri.

"How about we make him jealous?" said Rudy while the rest rolled their eyes and Roshni spoke out "Hum Abhay jiju ke baare me baat kar rahe hai Rudy bhaiyya Omkara jiju ke baare mein nahi (We are talking about Abhay not Omkara)"

Abhay chuckled hearing that and looked at Omkara beside him who avoided his gaze embarrassed.

"How about ask him directly" suggested Rudra and Gauri made faces.

She then mimicked her friend and said, "Gauri, you do you want to ask? I am marrying her right it should not matter anymore" This is what he said to me when I asked him directly.

They sighed while Omkara looked at Abhay with a sly grin "Do you really not love Ishaana? I don't think so"

"Of course I do Om but I am not letting your wife know about it. She will tease me for eternity. I can't let her win the challenge right" he answered smiling while Omkara laughed "Right...challenge."

"Oh my God those days were terrible Om" said Abhay sighing and Omkara guffawed. His wife truly irritated the poor guy with her match making skills.

Rudra thought in concentration before he said "Let us make Ishaana run away from the wedding" he said and everyone including Abhay and Omkara gasped.

"Rudy bhaiyya... aap ye..." started Gauri.

"Bhabhi... what I meant was we should make Abhay bhaiyya believe that Ishaana is ready to run away from their wedding. Then he will try to stop Ishaana and then he will confess his love to her. Right?" he said and the others pondered over the idea.

"Let us go before they finalize something and ruin your big day" said Omkara and dragged Abhay with him towards the rest.

"What is happening here?" he asked once he reached them.

His wife looked at him too innocently and said "Omkaraji what will we do we were just planning Abhi's wedding. What else?" she said and looked at her brother in law for support.

"Yeah O, we were planning the wedding theme and decorations. It is hardly two weeks away isn't it" said Rudra and Roshni, Gauri nodded their heads looking equally innocent.

"Don't give me that look. You people are anything but innocent" Omkara said looking at his wife.

"Gauri where is mom. Let us have dinner Abhay said he has work" he asked her and Gauri replied "Jhanvi maa went to finalize the catering order with baba. They will be here anytime. You two come to the dining they will join."

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