16. Mishaps

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Good olden days.........................

"Shivaay bhaiyya look at this" said Priyanka excitedly showing him her new bracelet which was presented by her dad on her birthday.

"Wow it is pretty Prinku" said Shivaay looking at it.

"Not the looks bhaiyya, its technology" she explained giving it to him.

"This is an imported one and rare edition which can store data like a pen drive" she told him opening the bracelet and showing him the USB connector head.

"This is amazing. This is indeed a thoughtful gift from Shakti sir" he said looking at the bracelet. His mind far away formulating a perfect hide-out place while Priyanka smiled at him.


"I appreciate your concern Shivaay. I am also thankful to you for taking care of my daughter but it is not safe for you. These people are ruthless. I spend all my life in this mission and I will bring them to justice before I die. I don't want to drag anybody else here. Tej had done enough to keep me alive. I cannot compensate for his sacrifice. I can only hope my daughter fulfills his wish. I don't want anything else." said the man on the phone.

"No uncle, we can get this done soon. I have the evidence you sent me saved in a safe place. Make sure you also have a copy of it. I spoke to a judge who is a friend of Tej sir. Once you come out of the gang, you can come to me and once you are safe, we can submit the evidence and get them arrested. You just be ready the day after tomorrow. The files will be transferred once you reach me."

"No Shivaay try to understand just submit the evidence now. I don't care of anything else. With much difficulty I managed to send you the evidence without blowing my cover. I was under observation along with a few other people who they suspected to give out evidence, from the time Tej was killed. I was there at that time watching my friend die and could do nothing. Getting these bastards to justice is important than my freedom."

"My sister has been waiting for you since many years uncle. Don't you want to talk to her at least once? You have your way out uncle. I will wait for you. Make your decision soon" said Shivaay before hanging up.

Shivaay turned around and froze in his place "What are doing here?" he asked the person before him.

"Nothing Shivaay, I just came for a smoke. Isn't the weather good today. Whom are you talking to by the way? You appear to be tensed."

"It was my uncle ...nothing important Mukesh" he said and left the place.


Location: CB-CID, Mumbai.

"What? What do you mean by fifteen day time limit?" roared Omkara.

Dandi and Abhishek squirmed in their seats uncomfortably. "Yes sir, it was Shakti sir's orders" said Abhishek.

"We are ordered to finish Nisha's case and report it in fifteen days otherwise the case will be handed over to Mukesh sir" explained Dandi.

"Why is this not informed to me? I was in Delhi and my phone was available 24*7 Dandi"

Omkara was disappointed at the way things were going. What is wrong with Shakti uncle? Why is he behaving weird? First he sends him for a week to Delhi and by the time he returns, he is given a time limit to solve the case? Never had it occurred before.

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