9. Threads laid out and challenges accepted

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Good olden days.....................

"Will anyone tell me what is wrong here?" asked Shivaay looking at Omkara and Rudy who were glaring at each other.

The three of them were to go for a movie and agreed that Shivaay would come to the Oberoi mansion from where they will go together. They just received the news of Omkara's promotion as assistant commissioner of Police and the trio decided to celebrate. Shivaay had just entered the mansion when he saw that Om-Rudy were having a difference of opinion and were glaring at each other.

"Wow!!" exclaimed Omkara sarcastically looking at Shivaay and then turning to Rudra "there you go... you have your partner to support you now"

"Om, what happened? Why are you so irritated?"

"What other reason can you expect bhaiyya" said Rudra looking at Shivaay.

Shivaay sighed "Ridhima? Is it about her again? What is it today"

"She knows that O will go with us, still she asked him to join her for shopping today. This guy here is ready to go with her" said Rudra in disappointment.

"Rudy, I told you she forgot that I was to come with you. She even asked me to go with you guys but she is alone there and it will be night by the time she finishes her shopping. I offered to go with her because I am just worried about her safety. Don't make a big issue out of it" explained Omkara.

Shivaay was still silent looking at Om, anger building up inside him. It has been a month since he broke his best friend's heart by revealing Gauri's betrothment to Omkara. Abhay was a mess since then putting up a brave front only for him. Here, he has to hear Omkara defend that woman in front of him. How dare he? Is this all even worth it? He thought for a second before he thought of his Radha maa and tried to calm himself down.

Ridhima was a manipulator and an opportunist. He gathered that in a week of meeting her. How naïve can one be? Om is a smart officer in the department. Who would have thought he would be stuck with her, not realizing that she was making a fool out of him. It has always been a problem with Om that he doesn't trust anyone so easily but once someone manages to gain it; he would just blindly trust them. It is time for a reality check Om he thought silently. He noted that he needs to do a thorough background search on Ridhima. He was sure he could find something that would slap Omkara back to reality.

For now, keeping his anger in check, he tried to control the situation "Rudy let him go, we can hang out together later. Let us go for the movie now" which surprised the brothers.


"Rudy, Omkara is right every small issue need not be turned into an argument. Let's go" he said and turned around to leave the house, lest he slaps Om right then.

Rudra just followed him outside. By the time they reached the theater, Shivaay cooled down considerably. He looked at Rudy still angry and pouting. He chuckled silently. He was always reminded of Gauri whenever he saw Rudra. Both of them stubborn and childish yet when it comes to love, they have tons of it for people who are dear to them. If someone dares to hurt their loved ones, they wont step back till they make sure that their enemy falls to the ground in such a way that he wouldn't raise again to hurt them.

"Rudy, forget it. Enjoy the movie for now. Omkara will come around soon"

"I don't like that woman bhaiyya, I will never talk to O if he brings her home as my Bhabhi" he said with a determined look. "How much ever I try to look at her in a positive light, I always get this instinct that something is definitely wrong. Why doesn't O understand"

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