26. The Climax

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Location: Outside Shayadri fort, Mumbai outskirts.

Gauri turned around quietly not uttering a word still looking at the floor. Holding her breath she raised her head to look at her father for the first time in her life. She noted that her father was a tall man and was still muscular. His face had a rugged look with a squared jaw which had a light stubble. She wanted to see more but the darkness of the night did not allow her to do so.

"Gauri" he called raising his hand towards her when she moved back in reflex.

Kaali sighed. His daughter disliked him... he knew of it but looking at her move away from him did put a knife through his heart. He wanted to hug her assure her that she need not fear him and apologize to her for never being there for her. But he knew this wasn't the time. May be that time would never come...May be he deserved this he thought with a sad smile.

"Gauri we have to go now" he urged her while she shook her head in a no.

"I am not leaving Abhi alone. I was escaping to look around and ask for help before returning here. Since you are here, we can help him out now" she said.

"Your husband is on his way...They will reach any moment. He asked me to take you away till then" Kaali explained.

"No" she stood her ground stubbornly.

"Fine!! at least get in the car there" he said pointing at the vehicle at a distance. "I will go inside and get Abhay out. You guide your husband inside once he comes here" he said.

"No I don't trust you" she said.

If they had light, Gauri could have seen the tears that whorled in her father's eyes but thanks to the darkness that she didn't.

Kaali quietly nodded before going inside through the same window from which Gauri exited. The moment he was in, he made sure to knock one of the men down in a single blow not even allowing him to make noise.

"You go inside first I will cover for you" he said and Gauri did not object.

They stealthily made their way watching around and taking the men down one by one if they came in their way. They were silent enough that they could not alert the others. Once reaching the door to the next room Gauri stilled.

This seemed too easy. Where is Arjun? she searched in the darkness.

Opening the door to the room filled with light, she found it empty. Only the computer screen was on showing some budget sheets.

She moved ahead into the light searching for her friend.

"Gauri they seemed to have taken him somewhere let us leave now" said Kaali.

Gauri turned around and they were about to walk out when they heard sound of heels kicking the ground.

Gauri quickly turned in the direction and saw that it came from a side door.

Kaali got into action going towards it and opened it. The door opened to a passage leading them into darkness.

The father and daughter made their way through it Kaali securely holding Gauri's hand even though she showed resistance.

They came to the end of the passage which lead to the outside of the old mansion. There was pin drop silence except for the wind that howled and the branches of the huge trees that swayed to make sound.

"Abhi" shouted Gauri looking around her but she got no response. She ran further outside screaming his name.

At that moment they heard the sound of an engine roaring to life and Kaali immediately held Gauri's wrist stopping her when she lunged in that direction.

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