6. Sacrifice and Repentance

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Good olden days......................

Year 2013

Location: Police training Headquarters, Security Room, Hyderabad.

"How much more time will you take Abhi, anyone might come now. Do it soon.

"Shivaay give me some credit... hacking the headquarter security system is not a cakewalk. It has a five layered proxy firewall" informed Abhay

"What does that mean?"

Abhay sighed and answered patiently "It is one of the most secure firewalls Shivaay"

"Ohh... then is it impossible to break it? Are we wasting time?"

"Firewalls are sixty percent protective on an average but this particular one is more secure. However one has to use deep pocket inspection which thankfully is not done recently. I can break through it by spoofing but it will take a little more time."

Shivaay didn't understand one bit of the jargon except that he needed to do something now to delay the entry of the security officers for a bit longer if he needs to save his head.

"Okay... how much more time do you need?"

"I need atleast fifteen minutes more to break the wall and another ten minutes to copy the files you wanted Shivaay"

"Are you kidding me? That's almost half an hour... please hurry up Abhi" pleaded Shivaay. "I'm going out to distract them...you try to complete it as soon as possible" saying this he crawled out of the office.

Half an hour later, Abhay and Shivaay walked out of the police headquarters and hurried to Shivaay's room.

Shivaay felt his heart, beat too heard and too fast in his ribcage as he patiently waited for Abhay to open the case files related to Tej Singh Oberoi in his personal computer.

He was looking for the details of the case and list of officers working undercover during the final operation of Tej when he met his death.

While Shivaay was skimming through various case files, Abhay asked him the question which has been bugging him since the day Shivaay had called him two days prior. He had to fly to Hyderabad from Mumbai where he was completing his studies when Shivaay pleaded him for his help promising to explain everything once he gets his hands on Tej Oberoi's case files.

"Shivaay, the files are not running away anytime soon. I will help you short list those cases which are of your business if you give me the approximate time of operation. But before that please tell me what is that which you want... which was so important to you that you had me hack the encrypted files of Mumbai Police."

"You are too honest for it and wouldn't have asked my help until you are at your wit's end. What the hell is happening?"

"I cannot tell this to you now Abhay. The less you know, the less is the chance that they will get to you."

"They?? Who are they?"

"For now, just know that I'm looking for the details of Tej sir's last case. Help me shortlist these cases so that the work becomes easy."

When Abhay stared at Shivaay, he sighed saying "I know you are expecting more answers from me but it is for your safety Abhay. I can't forgive myself if you are harmed in anyway"

"Just know that there are a team of officers, who work as undercover agents whose personal details are hid from both the department and the colleagues lest the information is tampered with and their families get exposed which the criminals might take as hostage to threaten the department."

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