20. Change of equation

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Location: Oberoi mansion, Mumbai

Gauri has been kneading the dough since the past one hour lost in her thoughts.

It has been three days since she talked to her husband. Everyday he would wake up earlier than her and return late at night. On the first two days she did not make any attempt to call him thinking he was busy at work but yesterday she did call him yet Dandi attended it saying he was busy.

What is so important that he couldn't even answer his phone? She wouldn't have taken much of his time. She waited for him till late night only to realize that he would not return for the day. She was missing him and she felt a sense of premonition that something would terribly wrong.

Should she go to his office to confront him? No... it would be a bit overdo... He is an ACP after all. He is bound to be busy.

On second thoughts what if he was angry at her for some reason and avoiding talking to her? If she met him at least she would be assured if he was busy or angry.

"Bhabhi!!" called Rudra a bit louder to gain her attention. She has been a bit disturbed since yesterday. He also noted that his brother is rarely seen at home these days. He chose to stay away lest he would be intruding into his brother's personal life. But seeing his ever cheerful Bhabhi faking smiles and looking lost is something he did not like a bit.

His brother is prone to mis understandings/mishaps both in professional and personal life. Hence, he decided to finally talk to one of them so that he could assure himself that things were fine.

"Yes Rudy bhaiyya" asked Gauri putting on one of her fake smiles.

"You are kneading that thing since long. I think it is done" he said looking at the poor dough.

Gauri looked downwards and nodded. Keeping the bowl aside, she turned around to wash her hands.

Rudy ordered one of the staffs to take over and pulled Gauri away into his room. Then making her sit on the bed, he sat before her cross legged.

"What is the matter?" he asked without beating around the bush.

In response she nodded her head in a no and looked at her hands in her lap though her eyes teared up.

Rudy lifted her chin upwards and a wayward tear escaped her eye.

"Then you are crying without a reason?"

She again nodded a no and remained silent.

Rudy sighed "Aap to Sherni hai(You are a tigress)... how can you cry Bhabhi" he said looking at her.

Gauri jerked her head up at her brother in law in shock who was looking at her point black.

"I may not be a detective but I can realize the similarities Bhabhi. May be because I think with my heart more than brain" he smiled at her.

"I was in doubt since the day I first saw you. Shivaay bhaiyya never got tired talking about you. I always listened to him learning of your likes, dislikes thinking that one day I would get you as my Bhabhi but after Ridhima's incident when Om broke down completely and it was more due to Shivaay bhaiyya rather than that woman's betrayal, I never brought up your name. Guess we are bound to become Bhabhi-dewar that after everything I got you as my brother's wife" he explained.

"I promised Shivaay Bhaiyya that I would take good care of you and when it comes to promises, Rudy never takes a step back" he said winking at her which brought a smile on her face...a real one.

"Now, tell me what did my brother do this time."

"He didn't do anything bhaiyya. May be I am being a bit paranoid" she said laughing. "It has been three days since I got a glimpse of him" she explained.

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