chapter 1

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6 years in the past

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6 years in the past

Yoongi POV

I'm studying in the library I usually hide out in the library it's my safe place for bullies and annoying jocks plus being surrounded by books and the smell of the vanilla candle the librarian has keeps me calm and relaxed. I'm doing my math homework at the moment until I hear faint cute giggles. I quickly look up and almost fall out of my chair it's a beautiful blonde boy he gracefully walks to an open table with his two cheerleader friends and sits down they keep chatting and laughing and smiling I kept staring with dreamy sparkling eyes. I keep watching the way he laughs the way his nose scrunches up and his eyes turn into crescent moons and how his smile alone makes my heart sore or how when he laughs to hard he falls a little on the girl cheerleader next to him. I keep looking and I didn't even notice my friend sit down next to me low key judging me.

"Are you staring at Jimin again?" My friend whispered I snap out of it and see Jungkook looking at me smiling a bit I shake my head and move my graze back to math.

"Uh...what no..I'm not I was just thinking," I said fixing my glasses fiddling with my pen that I have used since the beginning of the year and it happens to be Jimin's that he accidentally left behind one day in class.

But that's not creepy

Um finders keepers...

"thinking about kissing him," He said I gasp and cover his mouth he blinks at me.

"Shhh he could hear you," I said removing my hand.

"He is not even thinking about us right now probably discussing cheer moves or what happened on dance moms," He said I sigh softly Jungkook is probably right the only words Jimin has ever said to me in the four years of high school were" excuse me" because I was standing in his way one time but I still dream about that moment.

I have had a big crush on Park Jimin since freshman year of high school it started when he came into the library looking for a book I was studying like always I heard him ask the librarian a question and I looked up curious at the soft voice that just spoke then immediately my breath hitched and my heart was trying to beat out chest I watched him walk around the library. I noticed the way his fluffy brown hair bounced when he walked the way he poked out his tongue when he was concentrating on something or how he went on his tip toes to reach a book or how he giggled to himself when read over a comic he was reading or how he used cute cartoon pens with a yellow dog on the tip.

The second time I noticed Jimin was when he was assigned to the seat next to me then I could see him up close he had honey-brown eyes and long eyelashes and light freckles covering his cute nose then he smiled at the teacher and spoke softly. I blushed like crazy he would sometimes glance at me probably looking at my notes or something but I didn't care one bit I would literally take his test for him at that point because i was whipped for the cute blonde and for the past four years until senior year so many things happened Jimin become very popular and bleached his adorable brown hair a soft blonde and it was like a switch in his social life when he tried out for cheerleading and become head cheerleader so fast and then suddenly started dated the captain of the basketball team Seonghwa and won prom king two years in a row.

Then there's me...

I literally had three friends and during my senior year I had one since Namjoon and Seokjin were a grade ahead I was probably at the bottom of the food chain even the kid who eats boogers is cooler than me and I don't blame them my bowl haircut with choppy bangs and big round glasses and pimples scattering my face and how I only wore the same hoodie for four years doesn't scream handsome prince but my mom tells me I'm very handsome and that I take after my dad guess he was loser has well don't know how he got my mom to date him she's beautiful. My parents tell me it's all about personality and jimin will notice me one day but that's what parents who have ugly kids say to them to make them feel better. The only thing I got going for me is school I'm top of the class and hopefully, I will become successful and finally impress Jimin and it will be and him and me making out not him and Seonghwa that lucky bastard with his handsome stupid face and sharp jawline.

I'm not gonna lie I've have tried to shoot my shot to get Jimin to notice me but it obviously it has never worked out I have failed each time. I did all the basic K-drama things like notes in his lockers leaving snacks or flowers on his desk liking all his posts on Instagram but nothing absolutely nothing.... but I still love him I may be smart but I'm a hopeless romantic I watched to many disney movies as a child but I will find my princess.

"Hey Yoongi look" Jungkook finally snapping me out of my deep thoughts.

I look over and see Seonghwa wrapping his arms around Jimin kissing his cute cheeks I also so Jimin smile at him nuzzling in to his embrace. I sigh and pack up my things to leave the library with Jungkook following me I start to walk past them trying not to notice how Seonghwa was leaving small kisses on Jimin's neck.

"Hey you!" Seonghwa said I freeze In my spot.

"Y-Yes?" I said and the two female cheerleaders Jisoo and Jennie and Jimin look at me I locked eyes with Jimin for a moment he just blinks at me holding onto Seonghwa hand I try not to show how my heart is breaking just a bit.

"Yoongay I need you to do my English project for me I got a game today" He said I fix my glasses and look at him he always makes me do his homework since I'm top student and he's a dumb ass jock but I'm to much of a wussy to say no.

"Okay.." I said he hands me the notes and books roughly. I nod and slowly leave but not before hearing them talk about me.

"Gosh he is so ugly he's is like Asian Napoleon Dynamite" Jisoo said

"For real he creeps me out who could love that face" Jennie said and that breaks my heart even more.

How could Jimin love my face....

After that I quickly walk out before I hear the rest of the conversation I don't wanna hear Jimin agree with them.

But he didn't

"Guys stop don't be mean to him for no reason" Jimin said but sadly I didn't hear it

Even though Jimin never spoke to me he never talked bad about me behind my back.


okay whatcha thinking? I mean I had an idea for a fanfic going off a movie I watched called "you again"  but it won't actually be like the movie

Heads up this fanfic will move from past to present from when they were in high school to present time

But I hope people like this I'm excited!!!

But I hope people like this I'm excited!!!

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Xoxo rose 🌹

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