chapter 12

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

Namjoon called a meeting in the board room I sigh and sit in my swivel chair I rest my chin on my palm and wait for the meeting to start. I wait 5 minutes then Namjoon walks into the room in his fancy suit and clears his throat and everybody turns there heads to him the room gets quiet I roll my eyes.

"Okay everyone it's that time of year again the annual Kim's Tech ball at my house and all our sponsors will be there so everyone must attend and dress your best," He said stuffing his hands into his pocket.

"Okay the party with be Friday at 7:30 of course at my house be ready," He said then walked out.

Of course, the annual Kim's Tech ball Namjoon makes me go but I just sit in Namjoon's room and eat Pringles and play Youtube videos on my phone but technically I'm still attending.

I walk out of the board room and get to my desk I sit down and start to work. All of a sudden Namjoon sits on my desk and hands me pop tart I smile and take it and bite it.

"So you're going to the ball right?" He said I nodded

"Do I have a choice??" I said

"No, you don't anyways I was thinking maybe you could invite Jimin and his friends give you a chance to actually take him on a date and a fancy one at that. Dress all nice and drink cocktails and eat mini sandwiches" He said

My eyes go wide

"What no I can't," I said shaking my head.

"Yoongi stop being scared and be romantic and ask him to the ball now go! I'll let you off early today to go ask him bring him flowers and his favorite candy" He said.

"I can't remember when I tried to ask him to prom Senior year? I'm scared now" I said lower my head at the memory.

6 years in the past

It's Friday I'm at a basketball game it's almost half time and the cheerleaders will be performing soon so I'm standing on the side lines all my friends have convinced me to ask Jimin to Prom I'm holding Bouquet of red roses that I spend a lot of money on but it was worth it to see him smile and a bag of sorted gummy bears I took out the green ones because he doesn't like them.

I sigh half time is almost over I watch Jimin cheer with dreamy eyes he moves so beautifully with his big smile and small shorts and Pom Poms. They finish I gulp down all my nerves and walk over to the cheerleaders I almost each Jimin I'm about to tap his shoulder until the flowers are snatched from my hands and I'm pushed out of the way I hit the gym floor.

I look up its Seonghwa he smirks and then taps Jimin's shoulder he turns around and smiles and hugs Seonghwa he hands Jimin my flowers takes the megaphone from one of the cheerleaders and turns it on.

"Can I have everyone's attention!" He said his loud voice ringing though the gym.

The gym quiets down and everyone looks at him.

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