chapter 19

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

I'm laying on my bedroom floor staring at my boring white ceiling with my phone on my chest debuting if I should call Jimin or not he said he wanted to hang out and I'm just nervous I'm trying to lose my feelings not fall deeper in love if that's even possible.

"Stop being a dweeb and call him," Jungkook said while eating grapes on my bed.

I huff and sit up and glare at him.

"Stop eating all my grapes child," I said he stuffed a whole bunch in his mouth.

"You're my Hyung you're supposed to take care of me," He said.

"Fine whatever," I said getting up sitting next to him taking some grapes.

"Still not talking to Namjoon," He said I rolled my eyes.

"Nope he's an ass I thought he was my best friend but he just lied to my face he knew more then anyone what I went through and he acted out of impulse," I said.

"God you act like such a girl I swear," he said I smack his head.

"You brat! I'm just a hopeless romantic I can't help it that's how my mom raised me her and my dad's relationship was beautiful full of love and passion I want a relationship like that with warm hugs and kisses that always feel like the very first one and you just love everything about them even their imperfections," I said.

" Aish stop or I'm gonna fall for you," He said I chuckled.

"Ah sorry your not my type I like blondes with cute cheeks a button nose," I said booping his nose.

"Well hotshot your not my type either I like tall guys," He said I snatch the grapes from him.

"Grape privileges lost," I said all of sudden my phone starts ringing and I almost choke on my grapes and Jungkook picks up the phone.


"Jimin oh my god hi"

I gasp and wrestle for the my phone he pushes me away.

"Jimin he was waiting for your call and he took my grapes"

I kick his shins he drops the phone and I pick it up.

"Hello Jimin?"

"Yoongi hi" he giggles

" I'm sorry about Jungkook he's an ass"

" no no it's fine it was cute...and you were waiting for my call"

" Uhh kinda"

"Oh sorry for keeping you waiting and please give Jungkook his grapes back"

"Fine soo...whatcha calling for"

" well are you busy tonight?"


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