chapter 5

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6 years in the past

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6 years in the past

Yoongi POV

I'm hiding behind the corner waiting for Jimin to open his locker I left a note and some of his favorite candy inside don't ask how I got it open let's just say I'm close with the janitor we're buds anyways. I'm still waiting for Jimin then suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder I look and see Jungkook.

"Hyung what are you doing?" he said I shush him and point to Jimin's locker.

" I left him a note and some candy I wanna see his face when get opens it," I said excited.

"Ooh okay were like spy's," he said and giggled.

"I know cool right anyways shhh he's coming," I said and Jimin approached his locker he unlocked it and he took out the note and candy and smiled I felt my heartbeat speed up and he opened the note and smiled all of a sudden Jennie and Jisoo come up behind him and look over his shoulder.

"Oh Jimin's got a secret admirer," Jennie said poking his cheek.

"Of course he's gets millions from girls and boys this school is whip for him and Taehyung," Jisoo said.

"What did you get this time?" Jennie said

"A note and gummy bears its actually very sweet this is my favorite candy," He said I blush I hear Jungkook giggle behind me.

They walk away and I turn back to Jungkook with dreamy eyes and pink cheeks.

"He liked it," I said, "He smiled and said it was sweet!" I said shaking Jungkook shoulders.

" I saw stop shaking me good job Yoongi hyung I'm proud," He said we high-fived.

Jimin POV

- when Jimin opened his locker-

I open my locker and I see a bag of gummy bears and a yellow envelope I smiled and take out the envelope and candy I slowly open up the envelope and open the letter to read.

Hey, Jimin I'm way too nervous to actually talk to you but I just wanted to say that I think you're the most beautiful person I have ever seen and I just hope you're having a good day I love seeing your pretty smile everyday please never lose it.

Did you eat today? Did you sleep well? Anyways I got you some candy because I know it's your favorite

I also thought you looked really cute in that red fuzzy cardigan I just wanted to hug you so tight. Okay I'm done now thanks for sparing some time out of your busy day to read this


I smile and close the letter I look around and see no one, in particular, looking at me. The letter was super sweet.

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