chapter 20

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

I slowly open my eyes the sunshine beaming through the window like a storm didn't take over the sky last night I smiled remembered everything that happened last night to me confessing my feelings the sweet kiss with Yoongi him returning the feelings it was all pure bliss I feel high off it.

I sigh and look and see Yoongi still sleeping he sleeps with his hands in between his legs like a cat it's adorable. I smile at him and brush his bangs he stirred in his sleep and smacks his lips I blush remembering them kissing me so passionately I brush my finger along his pink lips and suddenly I'm leaning into peck them he groans and slowly opens his eyes and the sun all of a sudden shines on us like god putting a spotlight on us.

"Good morning Yoonie," I said he smiled a yawned.

"You look beautiful even in the morning I'm so blessed to see it in person," He said I blushed.

He moves his hand to my hair and runs his fingers through it then moves his hand to my cheek then brush a finger along my lips.

"I know we both have morning breath but please let me kiss you again so I know I wasn't dreaming," He said.

"It wasn't a dream," I said and lean in our lips connect again I feel the same amount of fireworks as last time my heart beaming. I smile in the kiss and he kisses me back and it's heavenly he moves his hands to my waist pulling me closer while deepening the kiss our chest touching he moves so he hovering over me now not breaking the kiss I use this chance to touch his body I slide my hands up his shirt and touch his chest lightly brushing his nipples he groans deepen the kiss moving his tongue into my mouth I moan lowly and slowly moving my hands down his chest to his hips I run my finger along the waistband of his sweatpants I brush his member softly with my fingertips though the sweatpants he groans and grind down on me the kiss gets heavier and messy he grabs my ass I moan into his mouth.

We are so wrapped into each other we don't the bedroom door open but we do hear the loud scoff. I break away and look up seeing Taehyung I yelp and push Yoongi off.

"Well well well look what we have here," Taehyung said crossing his arms I sit up and Yoongi follows.

"Taehyung! Your back early" I squeaked.

"Yes my dear friend I came back thinking you would be sad and depressed over this guy but I came home to find you making out with said guy in my bed for some strange reason," He said

"Oh....well you see uh...There was a storm and it was late and...You know I'm scared of storms... uh," I said I look at Yoongi he just shrugs.

"Mhm I get it but you will tell me details later... Anyways I also came back for another reason my gays" He said I roll my eyes.

"I'm having a party it's a stoplight party you know what those are right?" He said I shook my head

"It's that the party where you with either wear Green that's means go like ready for hookups Yellows means it's complicated and Red means in a relationship," Yoongi said my eyes go wide.

"Yes exactly that's why you were valedictorian," Taehyung said I smiled and grab his hand my baby is smart.

"So your having a party here tonight?" I said he nodded.

"Yes, I am it's Sunday let's Sin! Also, Yoongi invite your friends and I'll invite Hoseok, etc" Taehyung said.

"Um, I don't know.," Yoongi said

"Don't be a lame it's a Party this is not highschool anymore plus your hot so everything will be fine?" Taehyung said

"You are Hot" I added and Yoongi blushed.

"Yes, now Yoongi please leave and invite your friends be back here around 7:30 and wear the right colors," Taehyung said.

"Taehyung don't kick him out he hasn't had breakfast or anything that's rude," I said

"He did have breakfast I saw him eating your face he's full now," Taehyung said I gasp and blush.

"It's fine I need to head home anyways I'll see you later Jimin okay," Yoongi said I slowly nod.

"Okay bye, Yoongi," I said I watch Yoongi collect his stuff I watch him with sad eyes he looks at me and smiles and walks back to the bed.

"Bye Jimin" he said and kissed me softly and left the room I hear the front door close.

I huff and lay back down on Taehyung's bed he jumps next to me cuddling my side.

"I missed my Jiminie so so much," He said kissing my cheek I roll my eyes.

"You kicked Yoongi out I wanted to eat breakfast with him," I said with a pout.

"Sorry I'm selfish and want you to myself but you have bigger issue what color are you gonna wear tonight? are you guys dating now or what?" Taehyung said.

"I...I don't know actually we kissed three times but he didn't ask me out just said he liked me back maybe I should wear yellow it's complicated right?" I said.

"I mean what if he wears green then you look silly in yellow so play it safe and wear green has well then y'all can hook up in your bedroom this time," He said I hit him with a pillow

"What? I know your a horny little shit when's the last time you had sex?" He said I scoff

But if Taehyung didn't come in I think it would have lead to that

"Um like...actually I don't remember?" I said

"Exactly tonight you must get laid," he said

"You're literally so weird I don't understand you," I said

"Aish whatever short stack get dress we're going shopping I have a party to plan," he said getting up I huff and cover myself up with the covers

Who knows what will happen at this party.


The next chapters are gonna be juicy


Next time on total drama island

Next time on total drama island

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