chapter 13

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

I skip happily into work today after yesterday when Yoongi asked me to the ball I went home after work and excitedly told Taehyung everything. He was happy for me and I'm so so excited about the ball on Friday I gonna find an outfit.

I walk into work wave at the front desk lady and walk into the employee lounge I hang up my bag and change my shoes.

Hoseok my boss but my best friend walks in.

"Jimin I need a favor," He said I look up at him.

"Yeah?" I said

"I need to teach this elite class but I accidentally scheduled an interview for the new dance teacher at the same time could you please do the interview for me?" He said

"Sure of course," I said he smiled

"Thank you so much here is his resume he will be here in 20 mins thank you again Jimin," He said and walked out I look at the resume.

Lee Felix
dance major
Seoul University

I sigh and wait for this Felix guy

30 minutes pass until a small boy about my height dressed in a yellow hoodie and black sweatpants barges into the employee lounge we meet eyes and he bows.

"Hello I'm so sorry I'm late the bus was late again I'm so sorry," he said bowing again I smile.

"It's okay relax come sit let's talk," I said he nodded and sat in front of me I get a chance to look at his face he is about my height or shorter with a small face he has blonde hair and a lot of freckles covering his nose he puts his hands on the table his big yellow hoodie giving him sweater paws I can see his small hands. He kinda reminds me of me actually we have small things in common I huff and began the interview.

"Hello sir I'm Lee Felix," He said he has kinda a deep voice.

"Yes I'm Park Jimin I work here has a dance teacher for children and teenagers," I said he smiled at me and, to be honest, he's very cute.

"Yes I was so happy when I got a call back for the interview I heard good things about this place it's very popular," He said

"Yes, so it says you went to Seoul University and was a dance major it also says you did some training at the entertainment company JYP that's very impressive Felix," I said he nodded shyly.

"Yes I was but got cut it's okay though no worries there's always next year," He said

"You seem very talented Felix I am impressed I'm gonna ask you a few questions and then we're gonna move over to the dance version of the interview okay," I said he nodded

"Yes Mr.Park," he said

"You can call me Jimin," I said

"So what kind of dances do you specialize in," I said

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