chapter 53

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

"Hi baby," Jimin said I stand there shocked and
confused blinking at him mouth dropped open my brain trying to make sense of what's happening around me I look around me it's familiar faces.

I then look at him...

I stare at Jimin he is standing there looking absolutely gorgeous like a fallen angel he had his fluffy brown hair again wearing an outfit that was made for him and I didn't think I could fall more in love.

I stare at Jimin he is standing there looking absolutely gorgeous like a fallen angel he had his fluffy brown hair again wearing an outfit that was made for him and I didn't think I could fall more in love

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"J-Jimin what's going on?" I said he giggled at me and walk over to me held my hand tight.

"It's our prom baby," he said I blink at him tilting my head.

"What??" I said

"Since we both didn't get a chance to actually enjoy our senior prom I wanted to make it up to you," He said.

"You did this? Why?" I said he moved closer and kissed my cheek I blush a bit.

"Because I know you say you don't care about the past anymore but I do it haunts me that I couldn't see how amazing you were back then how your love was so strong and pure even though you didn't receive it back at the time you didn't let that stop you from pouring your heart out so I wanted to relive all the moments we missed all those moments we could have shared together if I wasn't to blind if I actually looked at you the way you looked at me but I see you now Min Yoongi and I'm not going anywhere," He said I had watery eyes at this point no one has ever done so much for me I grab his face and kiss him.

"You're amazing I...I can't believe you did all this for me" I said blinking my tears away.

"You deserve all this and more but for now enough sappy talk let's enjoy our night," he said pulling me into the prom.

I look around it's honestly beautiful sparkling lights soft music the weather is warm for a fall day Jimin takes us over to the drink table and gives me champagne we click our glasses and drink.

"Jimin this is literally beautiful how did you do it?" I said he smiled.

"I had a lot of help from our friends," he said I nodded.

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