chapter 26

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

I drove to the place where Jungkook said to meet for some odd reason it's our old high school I have no fucking clue why he wanted to meet here. But I parked and went in anyways he said to meet in the library good thing it's the weekend so the school is empty I walk over to the library and open the door dont ask how Jungkook got keys to the school I have no clue. I walk into the library the lights are already on I quickly scan the room with my eyes it's empty not a soul here I huff and sit down at the table where I always sat back then. I was on my phone about to call Jungkook when...


I yelped and fell out of my chair hitting the ground. All of sudden Park Jimin was standing over me looking at me with wide eyes.

"Yoongi are you okay that looked like it hurt," he said blinking at me.

I stare at him his blonde hair has grown long it's almost passed his ears his cheeks rosy and of course his freckles I reach up and grab his cheek and caresses his face he smiles and grabs my hand that was on his face.

"Are you just gonna lay here and stare at me all day?" He said I sit up and move my hand.

"Why are you here?" I said he sighed and looked down and sat across from me.

"Taehyung told me to meet him here he said he had a photoshoot here," He said.

"Jungkook told me to meet him here," I said he laughed.

"I think they tricked us," I said crossing my arms.

"I guess so," he said

"I should have known he was lying he said he wanted to take me out for lunch that boy never pays," I said he giggled.

I look at him he looks me in the eyes we kept contact for a bit he starts crying I panic.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi I know I just I keep hurting you ever since high school I'm so sorry for everything for Seonghwa for not noticing you in high school for what happened with Jungkook I'm so sorry Yoongi I would understand if you didn't wanna talk to me anymore or if you hate me now I hate me too," He said crying I sigh and wipe his tears.

" I don't hate you Jimin," I said he looks at me with watery eyes.

"No I understand now Yoongi I looked back I was a jerk I thought I was nice to everyone but I wasn't I was a jerk I was blinded by everything that I didn't see you clearly but I see you now Yoongi I see you," He said now I'm crying I hug him tight he hugs back.

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