chapter 9

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

I'm back at work sitting at my desk watching the cursor blink on the computer it's been two days since the hangout with Jimin we have been texting every day since and let's just say I think I love him more then I did back in high school I'm actually getting to know him. His favorite color is blue and black and his favorite movie is the notebook he also likes the Marvel movies as well and has a crush on Thor and I mean who doesn't.

I'm mindless thinking about Jimin until my phone rings I huff and pick it up that's until I see the caller ID

incoming call from angel

I panic and drop my phone

"Shit" I mumble

I quickly pick up my phone and answer the call

"Hello Jimin"

"Yoongi Hi!"

"Uh hi what's up"

"What are you doing are you busy?"

"I'm trying to work but I'm distracted by things"

"Oh well, I'm on my lunch break and wanted to know if you wanted to have lunch together...."

"Oh well actually my break isn't until 1:15"

"Oh....darn um okay then"

"Well, I can ask Namjoon for an early lunch?"

"No no you don't have to it's okay"

"No wait a second I'll ask okay don't hang up okay I'll be right back"

"Um okay I won't"

I place my phone on my desk and speed walk into Namjoon's office I barge in he jumps.

"Yoongi? What the fuck?" He said I walk over to his desk.

"I'm gonna take an early lunch break okay," I said.

"What why?" He said crossing his arms.

"Jimin wants to have lunch with me like right now," I said he laughed a bit.

"So what? He can wait until your lunch break," he said I shake my head.

"No he can't so I'm just gonna go take my break thanks again bestie," I said walking out and hearing Namjoon huff and curse me.

I quickly walk back to my desk and pick up my phone.

"Hello, Jimin you still there?"

"Yes hello"

"So I can go for lunch"

"Really! Awesome okay I'll pick something up and met you at your office is that okay?"

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