chapter 29

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

it's been a week since Yoongi asked me out we both decide to wait until the weekend he said it's a surprise and I'm so excited. But this week leading up has also been so good Yoongi and I went on small lunch dates or he picked me up from work and we ate dinner together or we also went on a small walks and he brought me a dream catcher I hung it over my bed.

It's Saturday morning and Yoongi is coming soon I'm already all dressed and ready to go not gonna lie if I didn't go to the mall this morning with Hoseok and buy an outfit. Yoongi told me he likes me in fuzzy cardigans he said I remind him of a teddy bear so I got a cute one just from him hopefully I will be award his is addicting kisses.

 Yoongi told me he likes me in fuzzy cardigans he said I remind him of a teddy bear so I got a cute one just from him hopefully I will be award his is addicting kisses

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I'm anxiously waiting on my couch with Taehyung next to me he is holding my hand cause I'm nervous as hell scared I'm going to mess up again.

"Taehyung I'm scared what...what if he realizes that he didn't like me as much as he thought he did..." I said.

"Are you kidding me that boy loves you so much?" He said

"But... what if he just built me up in his mind so much that now he has me he won't like the real me," I said

"No babe your amazing I know he will love every part of Park Jimin," He said squeezing my hand.

"I love you taetae," I said he smiled and hugged me.

"I love you too I feel like in another universe you and I are together," He said I laughed and pinched his cheek.

"Aish that was deep but maybe we are," I said booping his nose.

Then there's at knock at the door I yelp and squeeze Taehyung hand really tight he screams

"Ouch Jimin calm down," he said getting up and opening the door and standing there looking like a full course meal was...

Min Yoongi

"Jimin I think it's for you?" Taehyung said I push down my nerves and go to the door.

"Hi," he said smiling

He looks



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