chapter 4

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

I get home from work and plop down on the couch in my shared apartment with Taehyung which is pretty decent since Taehyung is a famous model. I let out a big huff and sink into the soft couch. A few minutes pass by until I hear the front door open and Taehyung walks in he slips off his shoes and sits next to me and holds my hand.

"Hey short stacks," He said I scoff and pinch his arm he yelps.

"Don't call me that you know I hate it?" I said he rolled his eye and got up and went to the kitchen I followed him.

"How was work today?" he said eating an apple.

"Actually better since the speaker system is fixed," I said.

"Finally you complain for so long," He said I glared at him he just smiled.

"Yeah...actually the repair guy fixed it like two mins it was impressive," I said thinking back to the hot repair guy.

"Well it should be that's his job," Taehyung said.

"He actually was pretty good looking not gonna lie," I said Taehyung scrunched up his face.

"Jimin don't date the repair guy this isn't some 90's porno," He said.

I laugh "I just said he was attractive you weirdo that get all technical," I said then remembered something "wait actually he looked so familiar I just don't know where I've seen him," I added.

"Maybe he took a class there," He said I shook my head.

"No he is actually really clumsy doesn't look like a dancer," I said he shrugged.

" What's his name?" Taehyung said casually

"Min Yoongi," I said Taehyung scoffed I look at him.

"What?" I said confused.

"Follow me," He said and walks towards his room I followed he went to his closet and pulled out a yearbook he flips to some page and handed it to me.

"Is that him?" Taehyung said I look at the yearbook my eyes go wide.

"Oh my god it is him he looks totally different now no wonder I didn't recognize him," I said touching his photo in the yearbook.

"I don't blame you to be honest you barely spoke to him I only remembered his name because he was valedictorian but refused to give a speech," He said

"I remember him a bit from high school he was sweet but so shy," I said

"Do you remember Seonghwa always bullying him?" He said I nodded.

"Yeah I do actually he never fought back just let Seonghwa do whatever he wanted," I said sadly remembering the past.

"Well Seonghwa was a dick so," He said I rolled my eyes.

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