chapter 39

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

"Jimin come on Taehyung will be fine let's go out there and tell him your moving in with me literally tomorrow it's been a week you should have told him the day after I asked you, princess," Yoongi said I whined and flopped around on my bed he smacked my butt I yelped.

"I can't Yoongi it will literally break his heart have you seen Taehyung's crying face! It's so devastated I can't I'm weak" I said he sighed loudly.

"It's going to be fine look I went out and brought him a cake it's an I'm moving in with my boyfriend but I still love your cake," He said I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms and sat up.

"Hold my hand while I do it..." I said he laughed and pulled me off the bed and kissed my cheek.

"Yes sweetheart lets go," He said and pulled me to the living room where Taehyung was watching a drama.

We get to the living room my nerves build up when I see Taehyung smiling his boxy smile at the TV.

"T-TaeTae?" I said he looked up and paused the TV.

"Mhm, What is it? I'm watching Extraordinary You" he said

I sit down next to him Yoongi follows and sits behind me.

" I need to talk to you it's important," I said

"What you pregnant or something? why so serious" He said

"No um well Yoongi and I-" I said

"DID YALL BREAK UP!!" He yelled sitting up grabbing my hands

"What n-" I was cut off by Taehyung.

"YOONGI WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO MY BEST FRIEND HUH?" He yelled and attack yoongi putting him in a headlock.

"Taehyung stop we're not breaking up I'm moving in with him now him down!" I yelled but everyone froze he dropped Yoongi and looked at me.

"What?" He whispered.

"I'm moving in with Yoongi," I said his face dropped.

"What? When?" He whined

"T-Tomorrow" I whined as well his eyes are glossy.

"Is this a joke y'all have been dating a month it's too early" He spoke softly.

"Taehyung I'm moving in with him but that changes nothing between you and me your still my soulmate my best friend and we still can have our spaghetti Tuesdays," I said holding his hand I hear Yoongi scoff.

"Um I thought I was your soulmate Jimin," Yoongi said softly.

"Yoongi now isn't the time," I said he nodded.

"Jimin you have always been by my side for 11 years I gonna miss you" he whimpered I hug him tight.

"Listen you can come to see me whenever you want Yoongi literally lives 10 minutes away Taehyungie," I said he nodded and pulled back from the hug and wipe his face.

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