chapter 47

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

I wake up on Sunday morning yawn and stretch my arms I reach for Jimin to cuddle him but the bed is empty I frown and sit up and get out of bed it's cold I wrap a blanket around me and stroll to the kitchen I see him sitting on the counter phone between his ear and shoulder notebook on his lap and things will never change I listen to him on the phone.

"No no, I still haven't told Yoongi"

"Jennie that would ruin the surprise he can't know until I break the news next week so just make sure everything is set up okay I'm trusting you"

"Okay I'll see you later text me if anything goes wrong"


He hangs up and puts his phone down and scribbles in his notebook sticking his tongue out I coo and walk up to him he sees me and quickly closes his notebook.

"Morning baby," He said I blush still not used to him calling me that I stand in between his legs hands on his thighs he wraps his arms around my neck brushing our noses together.

"Morning Princess I woke without you next to me we always stay in bed all Sunday morning I missed you," I said he smiled and kissed me softly and sweetly.

"I'm sorry baby I had business," He said I raise an eyebrow.

"Mhm, What business?" I said poking his tummy he hummed.

"It's a surprise" he whispered I nodded.

"Hey everything is okay between us right?," I said he pouted.

"Yes, everything is fine why baby?" He said

"It's just my dream kinda scared me it's felt so real and even though it was a dream everything that happened still hurt," I said he frowned and held my face brushing his thumb over my lips.

"Baby it was just a dream I'm not leaving you and I love you I won't forget you and Taehyung won't punch you anytime soon," He said and kissed my nose I blush a bit.

"I really like you calling me baby," I whispered and smirked he pulled me closer so our faces are close breathe mixing.

"You do? I could call you other names" he said and moved his face near my ear " I could call you Daddy or Oppa" he softly whispered and nibble my ear I groan and pull him closer our bodies touching I moved my hands under his shirt touching his soft skin brushing my hands over his nipples he moaned softly,.

"Kiss me" he whispered I don't hesitate to smash my lips into his soft plump lips. We kiss hungrily biting each other lips he pushes his body really close to mine no space in between us he grinded against me I moan into the kiss.

He moves his tongue into my mouth now we fight for dominance I win and grab his ass he gasped. I moved to his neck sucking on his collarbone he keeps his pace grinding against me I take off his shirt in one swift motion I kiss down his chest until I each his waistband of his underwear and palm him he whined I push him so he is laying on the counter of the kitchen I spread his legs kissing and sucking his thighs he whined.

"Mhm Yoongi please" he whined I smirk and slipped off his underwear and kiss his thigh.

"What is it princess? What do you want?" I said in a husky voice moving up to kiss his neck marking him.

"Touch me please" he spoke I smiled and kiss down his chest again all the way down to his member I kiss the tip he gasped and grabbed my hair.

"ah fuck" he moaned out I grab his hips and start to suck his member he buckled his hips and moaned loud I go faster.

"Oh Yoongi you're mouth is so warm!" he yelled and started to slowly thrust into my mouth I moan around him he let out lewd moans making me grow in my pants. I pick up my pace bobbing my head faster I feel him twitch I deep throat him making him groan.

"Y-Yoongi I'm close don't stop it's so good baby" he said I go at a faster pace sucking him off he closes his legs around me chest moving up and down moaning loud " Ah baby I'm coming"

Soon he cums in my mouth I finish sucking him off licking his tip he whined I kiss thighs and up his chest the to his mouth he kissed back moaning still we pulled back.

"Shit that was amazing I get all the hype now" he spoke I chuckled at him.

"Whatcha mean?" I said putting his underwear back on he lowered his head and huffed.

"That was my first blow job" he said my eyes go wide.

"What? How?" I said he frowned.

"Yeah I was always giving the BJ's to the all the boys I dated they didn't give them back" he whispered.

"Oh princess that was a act of love I did it because I love you I wanted you to feel pleasure and you tasted so sweet" I said "also I never asked how many guys did you date after Seonghwa?" I added

"Um...three in college" he spoke I sigh and kiss him.
"what about you?" He spoke.

"Just Felix actually then you" I said he nodded with a very small pout.

"Was Felix your first?" He whispered.

"Yeah we were each other's first" I said he frowned some more.

"Oh okay" he said I lift his chin and kiss him.

"Don't be like that princess I fell in love with you at first glance nobody is the same level as you Park Jimin" I said he smiles and holds my face.

"Yoongi I have never loved someone the way I love you" He said my heart starts beating like crazy at his words I hold both his hands.

"Aish don't make me blush let's go shower and eat breakfast" I said he smiles and hopped off the counter.

"Ooh shower together?" He said and smirked and walked ahead of me I slapped his ass.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love your ass" I said he scoffed.

"I hear that a lot" he said and smirked I pick him up and throw him over my shoulder he yelps.

"Mhm tsk tsk time for punishment for that sinful mouth of yours babe" I said and we head to the shower and relax the rest of our Sunday.


This was just a filler but two or three more real chapters left... :(


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