chapter 44

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

I have been pacing around Taehyung room I visited him today after work because he got a puppy and I'm nervous I know I shouldn't be but I'm about to ask Yoongi out it's apart of my big plan I'm trying to make up for everything I did to him in high school I'm basically turning the tables everything he did for me in high school I'm gonna do to him.

And first up on the agenda is the ask to prom at a basketball game so that leads me to where I actually have to ask him first to go to a basketball game with me. Taehyung somehow got tickets to an actual real game like floor seats and Yoongi told me he actually likes basketball a lot.

"Stop pacing you're giving me a headache" Taehyung spoke snapping me out of my thoughts

"I'm nervous if he says no to this basketball game date everything I planned will be for nothing," I said

"Jimin he won't say no he loves you way too much," he said I huffed.

"I'll call him and do it," I said taking out my phone.

"What why? Just go home and ask him don't be a wussy" He said sitting upon his bed.

"I'm scared," I said pouting

"Bullshit just go home to your boyfriend and ask him out short stacks," He said

"Fine bye then," I said he waved with a smile and I left.

-time skip-

I walk into our apartment the living room is empty it's about 6:20 pm I assume he is in our room I take off my shoes and jacket and walk into the room I poke my head into the room I see him cuddling his Olaf plushie I coo and walk up to him cuddling him I peck his lips he scrunchies up his face I giggle at his cute reaction I caress his cheek I stare at his sleepy face falling more in love I interlock our hands and kiss all over his face he flutters his eyes open we lock eyes I smile.

"Hi baby," I said very softly he gave me a tired smile and hummed.

"Hey princess I missed you," he said in a sleepy voice I kissed him softly again.

"Your voice is sexy," I said he chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around me holding me tight.

"How is Taehyung?" He said rubbing my back.

"Same he actually got a dog it's cute I took a picture wanna see," I said he hummed.

"In a bit okay I just wanna hold you, my love, I haven't seen you since this morning," He said I nodded and snuggled his chest.

It's time to ask man up Park Jimin

"Hey, Yoongi?" I said

"Yeah," he said playing with my hair.

"Um..are you busy tomorrow?" I said he pulled back I look at him.

"Well, it's Saturday so no," he said I nodded and played with his shirt.

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