chapter 50

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

Its the day before the big event I'm super nervous feels like I'm about to propose or something I'm just scared he won't like it or he will think it's stupid that I literally planned a whole prom. Re-creating our senior prom I don't think he knows what's going on he just thinks I just asked him to prom to be cute. But that's far from it Jennie and I planned a prom the venue the decorations the food the guest list is everyone from high school and a DJ it's gonna be at Namjoons house because I told him my plan and he loved it and asked to pay for everything saying he is yoonmin number one shipper but I think that's Jungkook, to be honest.

Now I'm at Namjoon's house with Jennie getting everything together last minute checkup it's honestly beautiful Jennie did an amazing job looks like a wonderland I hope yoongi will love it he said he regrets not going to prom because he wanted to see me in my prom outfit and makes his big move like in the movies where the guy finally gets the girl.

"Okay Jimin everything is all done and I picked out Yoongi's tux," Jennie said handing a clothing bag with Yoongi'a tux.

"Beautiful thank you I hope he likes it I'm kinda nervous he will think it's stupid or something," I said

"Noo he will love it he seems like the romantic type," she said I nodded.

"Honestly yeah he watches a lot of k-dramas and yells at the TV when the couples are acting stupid" I said Jennie laughs.

"Haha I knew it," she said I smiled and we both left Namjoon's house I drive all the way home it's late about 9 pm my phone died around 6 pm so couldn't use it.

I unlock my door take off my shoes and jacket the house his quiet. It's Friday night I went to Namjoon straight after work I had to tell a white lie when Yoongi called me asking if I wanted kimchi rice for dinner him knowing I love that dish. I had to tell him I had plans with Taehyung and that I would be back late he whined a bit but agreed.

I walk into the kitchen seeing a bowl of kimchi rice in a yellow bowl with a note I coo at it and pick up the note and read it.

hey princess you didn't say when you would be coming back so I left this for you don't go to bed hungry you know it makes you cranky in the morning so please eat my love

I smile at the note and heat up my food I eat it real quick after that I wash up and put on pajamas. I walk into our bedroom and see Yoongi sleeping I crawl into the bed next to him cuddling his back I hear him sigh I kiss his shoulder then his cheek. He then turned over so he was facing me he looked sad I panic.

"baby what's wrong," I said he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"We have the type of relationship where we can tell each other anything all our worries so there are no more miscommunications right?" He said with a small frown.

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