chapter 15

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

It's finally Friday the day of the ball I wake up very happy today as I go to work this morning I was literally Gru from Despicable Me dancing to Happy by Pharrell. I arrive at work and happy skip to my desk I plop down and log into my computer I begin the work I have for today until I get a brilliant idea. I will bring Jimin lunch today as a surprise he said he liked Gimbap I will buy him some.

I check my phone

11:30 am

It's about his lunchtime I tell Namjoon my plan and he lets me leave. I drive over to this Gimbap place and order some for me and him then I drove over to the dance studio. I walk in and wave at the front desk lady she tells me Jimin is in the employee lounge I'm gonna try and sneak up on him I peek my head in his back is facing me I hear him talking on the phone. I can't hear who he is talking to but I hear his side of the conversation.

"Yes yes I'm coming okay chill out"

"Yah stop calling it a date it's not a date you weirdo"

"We only cuddled last night because you ask! What am I supposed to do say know I like cuddling with you you're so warm"

"Yes I'm on my way"

" Okay I love you"

"Say it back!"

"Say it back or I'm not coming"

"Aww okay bye love "

He hangs up and smiles at his phone but I feel my heartbreak into a million pieces I almost drop the Gimbap I'm so lost in my own thoughts I didn't see Jimin open the door in my face and smile at me.

"Yoongi oh my god hi," He said

I search his face and see his big smile I push my heartbreak and feelings all the way down and apply a fake smile on my face.

"H-Hi Jimin," I said shyly.

"What are you doing here? Oh is it about the ball! Is it canceled" he said worriedly I shake my head.

"No no it's still on I just um...came by to give you some lunch," I said holding the bag of food.

"Oh oh okay um sorry Yoongi I have lunch plans already I'm sorry and I'm actually kinda late and he gets mad if I'm late so I need to leave but thank you so much I'll see you tonight okay," He said waving and running out.

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