chapter 2

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Present time

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Present time

Yoongi POV

I wake up to my loud ass alarm clock going off buzzing loudly signaling its time for work I let out a loud frustrate sigh and roll out of my bed letting my feet hit the floor. I stretch my arms and get up and slowly walk to the bathroom turning on the lights. I splash my face with water then take a shower and go to the mirror to wash my face I look in the mirror I no longer have pimples my face is clear thanks to a wonderful dermatologist I don't have the big round glasses anymore I got contacts and finally got a decent hair cut. I finish my morning routine and put on my work clothes which are just a white long sleeve polo and black slacks with dress shoes I grab a pop tart and apple juice and walk out of my apartment.

I arrive at work a decent size building in Seoul called Kim's Tech I walk in show my badge to the front desk lady and take the elevator to my floor I walk to my desk and plop down and eat my pop tart and seat back all of sudden my pop tart is snatched from my hand I look up and see my boss but also my best friend.

"You're rich as hell get your own breakfast Namjoon," I said eating my other pop tart.

"Nah I like yours better" he's said stuffing the pop tart in his mouth I roll my eyes.

"How dare you take from the less fortunate," I said

"Aish shut up I pay you alot ," He said

"Whatever what do you want?," I said crossing my arms.

" I need you to do something for me," He said

"What now?" I said he huffed he looked nervous for some reason.

"Don't be mad but I need you to do a repair job?" He said.

"What the fuck I'm not on the repair team I'm a Computer coder," I said annoyed.

" I know but the repair team is all busy and this is one of our clients they have called twice about there stereo system breaking I mean it's our tech so we need to fix it," He said I roll my eyes at him.

"I don't care I hate interacting with people that's why my job is to sit here and to all the coding," I said I sat patting my desk.

"Come on Yoongi do this for me and I'll let you borrow one of my cars for a week," He said raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm, any car?" I said smirking.

" Yes," he said

"Fine but I'm taking your Tesla,"  I said

"Fine with me and thank you so much Yoonie here's the information you don't have to go until later they don't open until 1:00 pm today," He said handing me the folder.

" don't call me that but and whatever," I said he walked away I open the folder looking it over.

( Hope World Studios )

problems: Client has called more than once about stereo systems malfunction stereo was purchased though Kim Tech in November Client says that they can't pair the phone and the stereo only lets out-static noises.

It looks like the clients information page is missing but I just shrug it off.

I close the folder and rub my temples this is such a simple fix and now I have to waste my time going over there for a quick fix.

It's now lunch break I make some ramen and sit in the break room scrolling through my phone until I get a call it's Jungkook I answer.


"Hyung hi" he said happily

"What's up Kook?"

"Did you see me on TV last night!"

"Huh...of course"

"Wow liar I told you I would be singing last night I even won on Show Champion"

" Fuck I'm sorry I was busy"

"What? Watching Disney plus?"

" Um no..."

"Aish your horrible I should have dumped you when I became famous"

"Pfft whatever you love me and I'm sorry I'm proud of you Kook! Hyung will treat you to dinner and by that I mean we make Namjoon pay for all of us"

"Fine fine I forgive you talk to you later bye hyung"

"Bye Kook"

I hang up the phone and finish my ramen time has passed its now time to head to the repair. I gather all the things I need and put them in a bag I don't bother zipping the bag I walk to the company car and drive over to the location took me about 15 minutes.

I park and head towards the studio I stand out in front of Hope World Studio I sigh loudly and shake off my nerves I walk into the building and there is a front desk lady I walk up to her she smiled at me.

"Hello I'm here to fix the stereo system," I said she nodded.

"Of course Mr. Park is in class right now but he is expecting you walk right in its dance room three," She said I give a small smile and walk towards the room.

I slowly open the door and see about 8 kids probably around the age of 5-7. I walk in they all look at me then all of a sudden a small blonde man walks out of some closet we make eye contact and all of a sudden I drop the bag I was holding it hits the floor with a loud crash and then trip on my own feet and hit the ground hard with a loud thud I hear a bunch of gasps then the small blonde is hovering over me looking right into my eyes blinking at me and my breath hitches.

"Oh my God! are you, okay sir"


oh shit

Is the mysterious blonde Jimin?????

Most likely hahaha

But chapter 2 done fuck yeah!

But chapter 2 done fuck yeah!

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