chapter 3

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

Did I hit my head to hard on the floor or did I black out from falling or is Park Jimin looking at me right now I blink a few times at him just in case but nope he's still there and I'm just laying on the floor like a dead fish.

"Hello? Sir are you okay?" He said but nope I'm just staring like an idiot. I haven't seen Jimin since graduation six years ago and he as only gotten even more beautiful if that's even fucking possible his hair is still blonde and curly he has sharp jawline and those beautiful brown honey eyes looking right into mine my chest feels all warm.

"Okay I'm gonna call 911" he said I quickly react sitting up.

"I'm fine I'm fine" I said fast rubbing my head.

He looks at me and tilts his head blinking at me lips in a small pout.

Fuck he's still so cute...

"Are you sure that was pretty nasty fall" He said.

"I'm s-sure" I said standing up but I went to fast and almost fell again but he caught me and is holding my hand.


My heart is beating so fast right now this is the first time he has ever touched me his hand is so small and warm.

"Woah there clumsy are you?" He said smiling a bit and I can't even function right now.

"I..Uh" I said my brain has stopping working there is no hope for me.

"You're here to fix the stereo right?" he said I nodded a bit to fast and eagerly.

"Great it's been messing up I can't play music for the class" He said I look over and see the kids giggling at me.

"Um yeah let me check" I said grabbing the bag I dropped picking up the tools that fell out.

"The system is over there I tried looking at it myself but it looked to complicated so I called you guys" He said I just nod and start working on the system.

I quickly fix the problem it was a easy fix like I said took me 2 minutes.

"There all done should work now check it out" I said he nodded and connected his phone and played a song it works now.

"Wow! You fixed it your amazing" He said smiling at me so bright and cheery.


I start blushing and wipe my sweaty palms on my pants.

"I-It was no p-problem Jimin" I said he stop smiling and titled his head at me.

"Oh how do you know my name?" He said I froze.



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