chapter 7

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Jimin POV

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Jimin POV

I walk into Taehyung room in a robe and a towel around my hair he is sitting on his bed playing games on his phone.

"Taehyung I need help," I said poking his cheek

" with what? Exactly" He said swatting my hand away.

" Help me get ready to meet Yoongi," I said pouting

"Your acting like it's a date you guys are literally just walking around the park," He said

"Yes but I wanna look nice," I said poking his cheek again.

"Fine fine," he said getting up and going to my closet he looked around and pulled out some clothes and handed it to me.

"Wear this it's cute," He said I nodded and got dress

"Wear this it's cute," He said I nodded and got dress

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"So how do I look?" I said twirling around smiling.

"You trying hard to impress him," He said raising an eyebrow.

"What no I'm not I just wanna look nice first impression is very important each time he saw me I was in sweatpants and old t-shirt," I said

"Yeah sure keep telling yourself that not me or the readers believe you," He said

"Huh?" I said

"Nothing," He said I shrug.

Yoongi POV

I'm already at the park where Jimin and I said where we would meet up. I got here 30 mins early. Yesterday I had my breakdown about this whole event and called Namjoon and Jungkook and even my mom for comfort she knows about my crush on Jimin. I'm wearing a white and black checkered flannel with a white t-shirt underneath and black jeans and small silver hoops. I keeping checking the time.

11:50 am

All of a sudden there is a tap on my shoulder my breathe hitches I turn around and see him...

Park Jimin

He looks so cute and fluffy like a soft teddy bear he smiles at me a does a small wave.

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