chapter 35

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Yoongi POV

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Yoongi POV

Jimin and I are sitting on the couch watching the Notebook he is cuddling my side playing with my hands while he was watching the movie I was watching him. The way he scrunched up his nose or licked his lips the way his cheekbones rise when he smiled so big.

The movie is almost over when Taehyung comes busting through the door rambling about something and sits in between me and Jimin causing Jimin to whine.

"Guess what gays!" he said poking both our cheeks.

"Taehyung really? Yoongi and I are watching a movie go away" Jimin said pushing his shoulder.

"No no, listen it's something cool I promise," Taehyung said pulling out his phone.

"Fine whatever hurry up" Jimin huffed and sat back I smile at his pout.

"Ok so since Yoongi came back into our lives I was curious about the past so I looked at our highschool  YouTube channel and found something," Taehyung said while connecting his phone to the Apple TV.

All of sudden a video starts playing it looks like a basketball game then you see the cheerleaders came out on the court and I see Jimin and then it clicks for me.

"U-Um can we turn this off" I whispered.

"What? I thought you would love watching Jiminie in tight shorts" Taehyung said and Jimin pinched his thigh.

The video kept playing the cheerleaders finished their routine and went to the sidelines I gulped when I see my younger self slowly walk over to Jimin with the big Bouquet of roses and bag of gummy bears.

"Jimin isn't this when Seonghwa asked you to prom?" Taehyung said.

"Yeah," he said in a quiet voice.

In the video, you can see me getting pushed to the ground hard and Seonghwa taking my flowers I put my hands over my face when I hear Taehyung and Jimin gasp.

" I knew he didn't buy you those flowers his cheap ass and that poor kid looks like he was gonna ask you Jimin," Taehyung said.

"I should have known the card in the Bouquet was a beautiful poem Seonghwa failed English and yeah poor kid I didn't even see that happen to him I don't think anyone did" Jimin added I sink in my seat.

The video keeps going you see Seonghwa ask Jimin to prom and they kiss but the person recorded this video was an asshole because they zoomed in on my face as I ran out of the gym the video ended and the room was silent.

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