Chapter Two

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AN: Sadly, I can not take any more screenshots on my phone :( but if I'm still writing this book next month, I will have a new phone by then and will use pics for every chapter. But if I am not writing this story next month, I will still be writing more books! And if I have photos of them already I will use them, but no new ones.

Hannah's point of view:
I can't even breathe after he said that. Am I breathing? I have no clue but I don't care. "Clay.." I whisper and I don't know if I'm saying it for him to stop or for him to keep going. He quickly pulls away and go to the fridge. "Yeah?" He asks and I'm speechless. Was am I dreaming? What the fuck.. I look at him and he smirks. Okay, was not dreaming. I rush to his room, grab my stuff and rush to the front door. "So soon?" He asks then takes a big gulp from his water bottle. "I- yes. I am gonna go home, now goodbye," I say and when I go to open the door, I feel a body against my back and I see two hands on the door. "What are you doing?" I ask and he's silent. "Clay," I say and he takes a deep breath then still stays quiet. His lips brush the side of my neck and again, he took my breath away. "Do you know how bad I've wanted you since we were kids?" He whispers and I swear, there was no oxygen in the room. "I-" I start but I have nothing else to say. I turn around with my back against the door and I look into his blue eyes. Is he telling the truth?  His lips brush mine and I suck in a breath. "You can go now," he whispers then pulls away again. I'm speechless and my jaw is at the floor as he walks back into his room. Am I dreaming or am I fucking getting whiplash! I run my hands along my face then walk out of the house. As I walk to my house, I text Jessica I'm fine and put my phone in my pocket. I finally reach my house and unlock the door with my keys in my bag and shut it as I walk in, then I lock it. "About fucking time! I was worried about you!" My brother yells as I walk in and I almost fall from the way he scared me. "What do you mean? I texted you," I calmy say and he scoffs. "Texted me? Yeah, okay." He says then walks over to the kitchen. "What do you mean 'yeah okay?' I texted you dickhead," I say then go to the living room. "Didn't get no fucking text," he says and I roll my eyes then go to my messages. I go to his tab and when I look, it says not delivered. Well shit. "I- I sent it but it didn't get delivered.." I say then put my phone on the coffee table and lean back on the couch. "Well, tell me where you were and why you left school?" He says then opens a beer and takes a sip. "I was at.. Jessica's house," I lie and he scoffs. "First off, you don't have a key to her house and this morning she told me no one was home until tonight. She was at school the rest of the day, so fucking tell me where you were!" He exclaims and I turn on the TV and sigh. "I was at Clay's house.." I whisper and he coughs. "What? Clay's house," he chuckles bitterly and I take in a deep breath. I nod and he chugs the rest of his beer and throws it in the trash then walks over to the couch and sits next to me. "Why?" He says and I close my eyes. "When Bryce pushed me.. I hit my head on the floor so hard it knocked me out, and he carried me out of school and to his house so I'd be okay.. that's all," I say, and leave out the other details. "You passed out from Bryce?" He says and I nod. He gets up and goes upstairs, when he comes back he has his baseball bat in his hand. "Going to his house, coming?" He asks and I laugh, but he's actually serious. Only now, I realize his knuckles have bruises and his lip is cut. "Don't Henry.. please? Just stay here and we can watch a movie," I say then he nods and sits down, putting his baseball bat on the floor. We decide to watch a comedy and I laugh once or twice and he just smiles. "What time is it?" He asks and I check my phone. "4:37, why?" I tell him and he jumps up from the couch. "We gotta set up the party!" He says and I roll my eyes and groan, turning off the TV and getting up. He sets up the house while I get the snacks and drinks ready. "Almost done? People start arriving at 8:00!" I shout since he's upstairs and he rushes down. "Finished up there, we got an hour left," he says and I nod. Thing is with me and my brother, he is almost the opposite of me. Only thing is, I go to parties if he's there, I drink but rarely and never anything strong. My parents do not know that.. but they know I go to parties with Henry. About an hour later of Henry playing dress up with all his black and white clothing, he decided on a white buttoned shirt and black jeans and his black converse, finally. "Stay here," I say, then rush upstairs to his room and grab a black cap. I walk down the stairs, run my hands through his slicked back hair a bit and I put the hat backwards on his head. "Wala!" I say then he chuckles and we hear a knock at the door. He rubs his hands together and opens it, and Jessica and Alex walk in. "Virgin is here?" Henry says and I slap his arm. "Leave him alone," I tell him and he nods then opens the door wider. They walk in and Jessica rushes to the drinks and grabs a cup then pours some whiskey in it. "Damn girl, party hasn't even started!" Henry says as she drinks almost the whole thing. "Sorry.." she says and laughs. "Got any beer?" Alex asks and I nod towards the fridge. He grabs one and pours it into a cup.
People start filling in, and music is playing through the house and me and Jessica are talking on the couch, then Henry and Clay sit on either sides of us. Jessica is too busy flirting with Henry to notice me feeling uncomfortable next to Clay. "Hello," he says and I wave. He puts his hand on my arm and I flinch. "What's wrong?" He whispers in my ear and I get up and rush to the bathroom and shut the door. Why do I feel so uncomfortable now? When he was close to me today I wasn't uncomfortable but I was surprised. I run my hands through my hair and when the door opens I expect it to be a drunk horny couple but instead it's Clay and he shuts the door. "Okay, what's up?" He asks me and I'm silent. He slams his hand on the counter and I flinch, "Tell me what the fuck is wrong!" He shouts. "I was uncomfortable with you touching me, okay!?" I shout back and he shuts his mouth. I lean against the wall and rub my head and he comes closer to me. He puts his hand under my chin then tucks my hair behind my ear. "So, you're uncomfortable with this?" He whispers and words can't seem to come out. His hand goes on the side of my neck and his thumb traces invisible circles on my cheek, "Or this?" He whispers again. I shake my head slowly, then his hand goes to waist under my shirt and I flinch again. He removes his hands as he sees me flinch and backs away. I know this guy.. but if I trust him to the point where we both like each other, how do I know he won't just hurt me?

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