Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hannah's point of view
I turn around at the same time Clay does, and I'm speechless when I see my brother. "H-Henry?" I ask and he shifts uncomfortably, "I-" he starts but can't seem to finish. "Dude, I'm not mad.. you let me date your sister," Clay says and sighs, "But yes, it does surprise me.." he adds then smiles a small smile, Madison looks at the concrete below us. "Treat her right, yeah?" Clay asks and Henry smiles and nods. "Well, we're gonna go to to my house.." I tell them all and they nod. I grab Clay's hand and he follows behind me as we walk to my house.
We reach my neighborhood and my arm is linked in his as my head rests on his shoulder. "Babe.." I mumble as I break the comfortable silence, only our shoes stepping on some rocks is what we hear. "Yeah?" He says and I can tell he's smiling to himself by the way he sounds, "I- I know I've never said it before, but I do love you.." I say and he looks down at me as I remove my head from his shoulder. "Well, I love you. I have for a long time, and I always will," he tells me then kisses my head and links my hand with his and I smile down at the ground. How in the hell can I be so lucky to have a guy like this? "Remember the day we met? When I played at your brother's house and I saw you walking around, so I teased you and messed with you?" He says and I smile even wider, "Yep, I remember that like it was yesterday. How about when you peed your pants in my backyard?" I tease him and he groans, "Oh my God! First of all, you scared me and I had to pee, that was not fair at all!" He exclaims and I giggle, "Remember our first kiss?" He asks and I sigh and nod, "Surprisingly, even though when we kissed at your party, it wasn't actually our first kiss.." he whispers as we keep walking. "A. You kissed me at a truth or dare party, and your lips barely brushed mine. B. That kiss at the party, that was more.. it's the reason we started dating," I say and he smiles. "I would've kissed you way better if we were alone in that room, in fact-" he starts but I put my hand over his mouth. "Don't you finish that sentence!" I yell and we both laugh as I take my hand away. "Where's my house?" I ask and he looks around, "We were sooooo deep in conversation we passed it, so let's go!" He says then turns around and we start walking the actual way to my house.
Clay's point of view
"Thank God it's Friday!" She says and I smile when she lays down on her bed. I pull my hoodie over my head and I give to her, then she smiles and it reaches her eyes. "They're getting better.." she says when I sit down on the edge of her bee. "What is?" I ask and turn around to face her. "Your scars, they don't look as bad," she whispers and I give her a warm smile. I lay my head on her lap and I shut my eyes, then I feel her soft, warm hand rubbing my forehead slowly. "Thanks.." she whispers and I open my eyes, "for what?" She sighs and looks away, "For.. saving me," she mumbles and I know what she means now. I lean up off her lap and I sit next to her, "Hey, don't think about that right now, think about.. life after high school?" I tell her and she smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. I grab her hand gently, then I place my lips on it and she smiles a little bigger. "Okay, that's it!" I say loudly and she looks confused for a second, then I start tickling her and I know that's her weakness. Our laughing fills the room in the quiet house as I keep tickling her stomach, "I give up!" She says then I take my hands away and she puts her hands on her stomach, "So mean.." she mumbles then smiles. "What was that?" I ask and I'm ready to tickle her again, "No, no! I was joking, pleaseeeee!" She says loudly and I grin and I take my hands away again. "I love you.." I whisper after a minute of silence, and she puts her hand on my cheek and caresses it. "I love you.." she replies and I smile. I lay on my back next to her and we stare at the ceiling. "Would you take drugs?" I ask and she chuckles softly,
"To overdose? No, she says and I shake my head, "No, I mean like.. to relax or have fun. Like.. Molly?" I tell her and she hums for a few seconds. "Have you tried it before?" She asks me and I smile again, "I mean.. I've tried that and some other drugs. But, all of them couldn't kill me if I had one and I'm not an addict, sooo.." I say and she nods. "I think Jeff said he has some?" She whispers but it sounds more like a question then her saying it. I grab my phone and I text Jeff,
Clay👌🏼- Hey Jeff
Jeff🤟🏻- My boyyy, what's up?
Clay👌🏼- You got Molly?
Jeff 🤟🏻- Hell yeah man, you want sum?
Clay👌🏼- Yeah, Hannah wants to try some
Jeff🤟🏻- Alr.. well come to my place! I'll invite Leah and two of our other friends
Clay👌🏼- C u in a bit
"Alright, let's go," I say then lean up and grab her hand. She stands up off her bed, and we rush out of the house and to Jeff's house. This should be fun..

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