Chapter Four

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Hannah's point of view
As the door opens, I see something I'd never want to see. "The fuck are you two doing in here!" I yell and they shoot up from the bed. "Hannah, I-" My brother starts and Jessica covers herself with the sheet, but instead of listening what this ass has to say I shut the door and walk downstairs with Clay. "Mortified," I tell him then chuckle and he chuckles with me. We go to the kitchen and he looks around, "You want a drink?" He asks and I nod. "I'll take a beer.. don't want anything major," I tell him and he smiles and gets two beers and pours them in cups for us. "You wanna sit on the couch with these drunk assholes or go back upstairs?" He jokes and I smile. "Party is not that big anymore so we can sit here for a while," I say and he nods. We sit next to each other on one of the couches by ourselves. "Hannah?" He asks and I nod. "Are we.. dating now?" He says then scratches the back of his neck. "I wouldn't say dating.. but we can start seeing each other everyday and see where that turns out. But if you want, we can show affection in school or something.." I whisper in his ear and he smiles. I swear, if he does the same thing Justin did to me, I will cut his nuts off. He pulls me closer as if he's gonna whisper something in my ear, but instead his teeth graze a spot just below my ear, then he kisses it and smiles as he pulls away. "Is that enough affection or you want more?" He jokes, or at least I think he is and I blush. His phone vibrates, "I gotta take this, I'll be right back, meet me in your room." He says and I nod, then go up to my room and shut the door and sit on the bed. I check my phone. The door opens and I smile when I know it's Clay, but instead it's Bryce. I stand up from the bed and look at him as he smirks. "Um, what are you doing here?" I ask and he takes a deep breath. "When I said I didn't hit women. I don't, but their is something I can do.." he whispers. Oh my God, what's happening. Where's Clay! I back up when he comes closer, and I try running out of my room but he grabs my arm hard and pushes me on the bed. He hovers over me and I try pushing him off, but he won't budge. "Bryce, stop!" I shout as he unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down. "We're just having a little fun.." he whispers. "Get the fuck off!" I yell so loud the neighbors could probably hear. The door swings open but Bryce still won't budge, until someone shoves him off and a loud thud hits the floor. I quickly stand up and I see two guys hitting him, one tall one and one a little shoter. I already know who they are.  I see a familiar face as one of them stands up. Clay.. He hugs me so tight it almost hurts, but instead it feels so comfortable, and I lean into his shirt and cry. I'm too focused on Clay hugging me, I barely notice Henry punching Bryce so many times I don't even see him breathing. I grab Henry and try to pull him off but he keeps punching Bryce. "Henry, you're gonna get arrested." I say and he stops. I look ar his knuckles and I can't even see his skin on his whole hand, all I see is blood. But when I look at Bryce, it's even worse. I look away and I see Jessica rushing in, "What the fuck happened?!" She says loudly as she looks at me and hugs me. "Holy shit, you're shaking.. are you okay?" She asks then she looks at Bryce and sees Henry's fists. Instead of asking anymore questions, she just hugs me and I cry into her shoulder. Then I feel two more pairs of muscular arms wrap around me and I just cry even more. "I'll go make everyone leave, alright?" Henry whispers then kisses my head and rushes downstairs. "Is he alive?" Clay asks and we all look at Bryce. "We don't want him remembering it was Henry.. it could get him in trouble. We can take him somewhere even if he isn't dead, so when he wakes up he won't know how to get home." Jessica tells us then Clay nods and grabs Bryce's phone. "Hey, I got to get home.. my dad will kick my ass if I'm late," Alex tells us and I nod and he walks out of the room. Henry comes back upstairs and walks into my room, "Everyone left. Clay and I will carry his fat ass to the car," he says and we all nod. Clay puts Bryce's right arm over his shoulder and Henry puts his left. While we follow behind them as they carry him to the car, Jessica is running her hand up and down my back to soothe me but I'm fucking shaking. "Trunk?" Henry says and I nod slowly. Henry's truck is pretty big so he decides to put him in the trunk. He shuts it closed and gets in the driver's seat as I get in the back with Clay, and Jessica gets in the front. I lay my head on his shoulder as he puts his arm around me and holds my tightly. His eyes look tired so I lay my head off his shoulder and he looks at me. He kisses my forehead as Jessica and Henry talk, then I lay my head on his lap as he gently rubs my forehead.
When I wake up, we're driving still. "Are we almost there?" I ask as I rub my eyes, I now realize I'm now against my seat and Clay is sleeping peacefully against his. Henry chuckles,   "When I went in the back, you were sleeping against the seat and I didn't wanna wake you, so me and Henry carried him and put him on someone's front lawn." When he says the last part, he laughs. "Oh wow." I say then shake my head and Jessica turns around on her seat. "You're okay, right?" She asks me and I nod, then look out the window. Thank the stars above I have these people in my life.

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