Chapter Twenty-Three

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High - Sir Sly

Hannah's point of view
Clay sits down on Jeff's couch next to me and gives me a water bottle, then smiles. "Other people are here!" Jeff says then we hear more footsteps on his basement stairs, and when I turn around I see my brother and Clay's sister. "No, no, no. You're not taking these," Clay speaks up and Madison groans, "Oh my God Clay! You have taken them more than three times, I should be allowed to at least try them?" She says and sits down across from us with my brother. "Look, Henry isn't making a big deal about Hannah trying them!" She exclaims and Henry looks at me and sighs, then he looks down at his shoes. "Fine, but this is the only time you're taking them!" Clay finally gives in and rolls his eyes - he takes a sip of his water. Madison smiles and I run my fingertip along my wrist. I would've had scars right here if I lived, but I obviously wouldn't. Jeff and Leah finally come down and sit on the floor. "Alright, three veterans and three newbies!" Jeff says and I roll my eyes, then I realize Henry has never tried it either. Clay gives me the small pill and I put it on the back of my tongue. I take a sip of my water and I look down as I swallow it, then I see Clay lean back on the couch as he sets his water in front of him. "I don't feel anything?" I say and Clay smiles, "You will in a few minutes."
And a few minutes later, we're laughing our asses off and I have no clue why. "It's like.. everything is the same, but like.. funnier!" I say and we all laugh even harder. We all keep saying random shit, and finally Jeff and Leah decide to turn in for the night, yeah we all know why.. Madison and Henry decide to go to my house, and Clay and I are sitting in front of each other on the floor. "Tell me, what are you thinking about?" I ask him and he chuckles lightly, "I- I don't know." "Say it." "I.. I have so many thoughts.." he says and sighs afterwards. "Give me one!" I tell him and he groans then lays on the floor. I lay beside him, even though our heads are next to each other we're facing different ways. "How is infinity a number if it never ends..?" he asks and I didn't realize until now that's a good point. For fuck's sake I'm high. "Well, what can be infinite? It has to have a meaning.." I say and he hums. "I don't know.. um, breathing?" He tells me and I laugh, "Breathing isn't infinite.." I say and he groans. "What is then?" He whispers calmly and puts his hands on his chest. "Maybe.. maybe love is infinite?" I say but also question what I'm saying. "Like, you can love someone so much that.. you can't stop?" He asks and I nod, then turn my head to him as he turns his to me. "Do you think.. our love can be infinite?" He asks again and I give him a small, but warm smile.
"I believe so," I say and he smiles. "Fuck do I love you.." he mumbles, I can barely even hear it. We're interrupted when his phone rings, and he gets up and grabs it. "Hey dad.. no. Okay, I'll be home in a bit, bye," is all I hear before he hangs up and sighs. "Gotta get homeeee, and your parents must want you home too," he says and I sigh, then I get up and kiss him softly on his lips. "I'll walk you, but if I fall.. catch me, yeah?" He jokes and I nod and laugh.
I smile to myself as I close my front door, and I keep smiling for some reason. "Hey Hannah," my mom's voice interrupts me and I keep smiling. "Hello.." I say then I laugh for some reason. "Are you okay?" She asks and I keep smiling and nod.
I slowly walk up the stairs and I go to my room, grabbing Clay's hoodie he left for me and a pair of athletic shorts. I close my curtains and I unfress, then I put the two pieces of clothing on and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I crash out.
Clay's point of view
I groan loudly into my pillow even though it's muffled, and I rub my head. I check my phone and thankfully, I can go straight to Monet's and get a coffee. I lean up and I rub my head again, so I just decide to take a shower and maybe it'll help.
"Clay, are you alright?" my mom asks and I nod and go to my room to change.
I run a towel through my hair and fix it up a bit, gel really doesn't work with my hair.
Jeff🤟🏻 - Meet at Monet's
I get Jeff's text and I sigh, then I go downstairs and walk to the only good coffee shop in town.
I sit down at the same table as Jeff and Leah, and a black coffee is placed in front of me. Henry and Madison join us, and a few minutes later Hannah sits next to me as well. "Fucking hate life.." Henry mumbles and I lean my head on my hand. "That's just the after effect.. don't worry about it," Jeff tells us and I sigh. "Do you ever just.. want to like, die?" I say and Clay gives me a worried look. He grasps my hand under the table and looks down like he failed at something, but I don't know what. "Look on the bright side, we have Summer break in a week," Leah speaks up and I nod and lean back on my chair. "I gotta go start my shift, I'll see you in a few hours Clay," I say and stand up, then I walk out of Monet's and to the Cresmont.
I give the man the popcorn and he gives me a smile, then he walks away. I see Clay walk in and he looks pissed for some reason. "Don't fucking say that again," he mumbles when he comes behind the counter. I give him a confused look and he shakes his head, "I just saved you from ending your life and you wanna fucking die again?" He says a little louder, thankfully no one's around. "It's just the Molly talking, I wouldn't want to do that again.." I whisper to him as I put the candy boxes where they belong. He sighs and leans against the counter, "sorry for being such an asshole, I'm just worried about you.." he says and I give him a small smile. "Don't be, you got me.." I reply and he pulls me closer to him, then he places his soft lips on mine. I pull away first and he's smiling, then I run my thumb over his lip ring. "So, what are you doing this summer?" I ask after a few minutes and he sighs, "I was supposed to go to my grandparent's, for a 'growing boy' as they call it, I should spend time in the country. But, they left to Europe until the summer ends," he says and I smile. I have Clay all summer? Hell yes!

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