Chapter Fifteen

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Hannah's point of view
My alarm rings and I groan into my pillow, I decide to just get up even though I am so tired this morning. It's been a week since Clay moved to his dad's house, and judging why I'm so tired. I know now as I look at Clay when I stand up from the bed, my sheet is over his wasit and he's laying on his back with his arm dangling off my bed and his other on my side of the bed. He looks so fucking cute right now.. "Stop staring, it's creepy." He mumbles and I quickly turn away, again, how does he know this when his eyes are closed? I groan again as I go to my closet, then I feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around me as he kisses the back of my neck. "How long can I stay here for?" He whispers in my ear as my hands go on top of his arms. "They won't be home 'till tonight, but I'm gonna visit Henry." I tell him and he nods, then kisses my neck again. Finally, I don't have to go to school, it's been a pain in my ass this week. "Can I tell you something?" He asks and I nod, then turn around to face him. "When Carli hugged me, for some reason I saw a miniature version of you.." he whispers and I look down. A mini version of me? I mean, yeah I like Clay, a lot.. but I don't know if we could end up having kids, that's too ahead of us. I look up at him, but his gaze is focused on the floor like he's ashamed of what he just said. I tilt his chin to look at me, "I'm not weirded out, trust me. I just think.. we're too young to think about kids, y'know?" I tell him and he nods. I pull him down to my level, then I kiss him on his pink lips. "Doing anything today?" He asks and I sigh, then shake my head. "I'm gonna take a walk, so if you wanna come with me you can." He says and I nod, then smile at him. My fingertip traces his abs as he looks down at me and I grin. My finger runs along the waistband of his boxers and he takes a deep breath, well we all know how this ends.
Clay and I are walking, hand in hand as he stops in front of a small shop, "Can we go in here?" He asks and I nod, then we walk inside. "Hey, Clay!" A guy says then side hugs him, he has tattoos and piercings, and now I know it's a tattoo or something like that kind of shop. "Brandon, this is Hannah, my girlfriend. Hannah, this is Brandon, he gave me my piercings and tattoos." He says then smiles and I nod, "So, what are you here for today?" Brandon asks as Clay sits down. "Piercing," he replies and Brandon nods. "You know the usual, sit on the chair and lay back." He says then Clay nods, and sits down on a different chair and leans back, "So, where do you want it?" Brandon asks and Clay scratches the side of his arm, "Bottom lip, and I want a ring," he says as I sit down next to Clay. "You want any tattoos or piercings?" Brandon asks me and I chuckle, "Not today, no." I say and he smiles then nods. "Oh and, I want a tattoo as well," Clay says and Brandon nods as he gets the piercing gun. "You know the pain," Brandon jokes and Clay chuckles, then Brandon pierces Clay's lip and it looks like he doesn't even feel pain. He grabs a ring then puts it in Clay's lip as it bleeds a bit. "Alright, it'll hurt for a day or so but not longer then a week. So, where do you want the tattoo, if there's free spaces." He jokes and Clay smiles, he has sleeves on his arms and some on his neck and almost covers his torso, but I'm sure he does have free spaces. "Hmm, side of my neck," Clay says and Brandon nods, "Show me the tattoo," he says then Clay grabs his phone and shows it to him. What is he getting? Brandon smiles at the tattoo and I'm honestly wondering why, he gets the tattoo gun then whne he turns it on, I hear buzzing. I've seen Henry get a few tattoo before and maybe a piercing, but I don't know how bad it hurts. The tattoo gun touched his neck, then starts to move around on it. About twenty minutes later, Brandon turns off the gun, "And we are done, keep the tape on for a while then when it's dry, take it off." He says and Clay nods, then smiles down at his hands and I wonder why.. "Can I see it?" I ask and he grins, then nods. He stands up and I look at the side of his neck, the tattoo has a heart but something is intercepting it, or the other way around. I look really closely to the shape or letter, and when I finally realize what it is.. he got an H with a heart in it. "You did this.. for me?" I whisper and he smiles shyly, then I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his shoulder, "Thank you.." I whisper again and he kisses my forehead. "Let's go visit Henry, yeah?" He asks and I nod. Brandon tells Clay he doesn't have to pay this time around, and Clay nods then we walk to the Cresmont Clinic. I tell the nurse at the front desk Henry's room number, then she tells me to go ahead. I walk to is room, and when I get in there, he's laying back and sleeping soundly. "Hey," I whisper and he opens his eyes, then tries to lean up but he winces and I gently push him down by his shoulders. "No leaning up until your stitches don't hurt anymore," I tell him and he rolls his eyes then complies. "New piercing?" Henry asks Clay and he nods, "And a tattoo.." he mumbles and Henry motions for Clay to let him see it. Clay turns the side of his head and leans down a bit, "Oh.. wow," Henry whispers and Clay fixes his stance. Clay and I talk with Henry for a while, but then the nurse tells us visiting hours are over, and I give Henry a hug then we walk out. "Wanna surprise Jess?" I ask Clay and he nods, then we walk to her house. We decide to try and sneak into her window, but when we look through the window. I see Jessica kissing someone, and it's not my brother. I take a closer look and my mouth falls open, why the fuck is she kissing Justin Foley!

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