Chapter Six

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Shape of you - Ed Sheeran
My Kind Of Love - Leon Else

Hannah's point of view
"Thanks for walking me home." I tell him as he stands behind me when I open the door. "I'll walk you home everyday, don't worry about it," he says then smiles. I close the door for a second and I stand outside, then I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck. He puts his hands on the doorway and leans in even more and his tongue tastes like mint. As we pull away, I bite my lip and his eyes twinkle in the dark night. I get a text from Henry and it says he won't be home until tomorrow night and I look up at Clay. "What?" He says then smiles. I open the door and pull him inside. "But your parents.." he starts, but I cut him off, "won't be home for another two days." I finish and he looks at our surroundings then looks back at me. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me, I back up against the door as his hands move to my outer thighs. "Is this okay?" He asks as he stops kissing me. "It's perfect.." I whisper then kiss him again. I decide to make a move as his hands go under my legs and I wrap them around his waist as his lips move to my neck and he nips. It stings for a second, but then he runs the tip of tongue on it and I quietly moan. "We don't have to do it yet.. we can just kiss," he says and I smile as his blue eyes turned a little darker. My hands go under his shirt and against his abs. I pull it over his head and when I do, I see tattoos all over that I've never seen before. As I look at the ink, I notice something else. Marks? It's not just one, they're all over. Only now I notice he has some on his face, arms, hands. Everywhere.. I run my fingertip along one of them on his chest, and he winces a little. "What are these from.." I whisper and he looks away. He gently sets me down and runs his hands through his hair. "Please.. tell me what happened.." I tell him and his voice sounds trembling,  "Some of them are from the accident.." he says. "The others..?" I ask and he takes a deep breath. "After she died.. my dad blamed me, and.." he takes a deep breath, "he used to cut me.. hit me.. yell in my face.. he still does." He says and my heart breaks for him. I pull him into my embrace and hug him tightly, then I gently rub the back of his head. "I'm sorry.." I whisper and he kisses my forehead. "You have nothing to be sorry for.." he tells me and a tear falls down my cheek. I can't believe this happened to him. I pull him close to me and kiss him as my hands run through his hair, and his muscular arms wrap around my body. I see some scars on his neck as we pull away, and I place my lips on one of them and he sighs, either pain or pleasure, I can't tell. I decide to do it agan on a different one, and when I do he sighs again. I don't think it's hurting, he's not telling me to stop? "Am I hurting you?" I ask and he looks at me, smiles, then shakes his head. "Got any scars?" He asks while grinning and I roll my eyes. "Um, do you wanna watch a show or something?" I ask and he nods, then I grab his hand and pull him to the couch. When I sit next to him, he gently pulls me onto his lap by my hand, but I somehow end up straddling him instead of sitting regularly on him. He looks into my dark eyes as I look into his almost light ones, my hands cup his cheek and he leans into them. His fingers find the hem of my shirt then he looks up at me as if asking for permission, and I nod slowly. He slowly lifts my shirt up with his right hand as his left hand runs up and down my stomach and I sigh while looking down. He looks up at me and his eyes twinkle again. His hand travels up to my bra then he looks up at me again, and I nod. He traces the cup while looking at me, and I lean down and kiss him passionately. We're interrupted by a knock at the door and our heads snap that way at the same time. A knock turns into unlocking, and I look around and tell him to go upstairs and hide in my closet. Instead of nodding, he just runs up there aa fast as he can. Right when he disappears, the door opens showing Henry. "Hey sis," he says and I wave while giving a small smile. "You okay?" He asks and I nod. "Why?" I ask him as he puts his keys on the counter. "You look.. flushed?" He says and I clear my throat. "I- No. I just um, saw a spider and it scared me.. I'm gonna go upstairs now, bye!" I say then rush upstairs and shut my door. I take a deep breath and open the closet door, and Clay kisses me right when I open it. His back is against the wall as we're kissing, and his hands find the bottom of my shirt again. "Do you think we're taking this too fast?" I pant and he smiles. "We're just kissing.. once we start dating, you'll be happy," he grins and I roll my eyes and smile. I kiss him again and his tongue thrusts in my mouth. "Hey, do you have an extra-" Oh shit.

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