Chapter Three

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remedy for a broken heart - XXXTENTACION
Idfc - blackbear
wish you were gay - Billie Eilish
Kids in love - Kygo

Clay's point of view
I stand a few few away from her and I watch as she looks around the room, anywhere but me. I didn't mean to make her feel uncomfortable. If anything, I tried to make her feel more open to me. "I didn't mean to make you feel like that.." I whisper as I hop on top the counter. "Why?" She whispers and my head shoots up to her. "Why what?" I ask her and her eyes start to water. Why is she crying?  "Why am I a conquest to everyone?" She asks me then a tear falls down her cheek. "That's what you think?" I reply as I lean my head against the wall. "That's what everyone thinks of me. You wouldn't know, you're one of the popular guys." She says and I take in a deep breath. "I don't think ofyou as a conquest," I reply and she scoffs. "So that's why you kept coming close to me?" She says and I shake my head. "It's one thing to think of a girl as a conquest, but my best friend's sister? You know me better than that.." I say and she rolls her eyes. "I know you? You're so different compared to when we were kids." I may be but my personality really didn't change. "Give me a reason why I would think of you as that." I tell her and she takes a deep breath. "Slut of the school now apparently, and guys think I'm easy?" She says and I hop off the counter. "I know you. You're not like that.." I tell her and I put my hand on her cheek. "Doesn't matter if I am or not, that's what people think of me and nothing can change their mind." She tells me and I put my hand back in my pocket. "Who cares what they think?" I ask and she looks at me. "I do.." she whispers and I shake my head.  "Why?" I ask and she looks at the floor. "They don't know me and they have this image of me.. people calling me sluts gives guys more reasons to try and touch me." She says then closes her eyes and I tilt her head up at me then she opens them. "They won't touch you." I tell her and she shakes her head. "How do you know?" "I'll protect you." She looks at me and I stare into her dark blue grey eyes. My hand roams through her hair and she sighs. I pull her closer to me and her hand finds its way to the back of my neck. Just as we're about to kiss, a drunk fucking horny couple bursts through the door. We instantly pull away and rush out. We're in the hallway in her house and she runs her hands through her hair, she's stressed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." Dhe says and I wave my hand at her as a way of saying no. "It's not your fault, I led you on." I take the blame because it was my fault. Henry comes up the stairs with Jessica. "Heyyyy," Henry says and I nod my head at him. "What's up with you two?" Hannah asks and Jessica blushes. I look at Hannah and she notices what Jessica just did and rolls her eyes. "People leaving yet?" I ask and Henry shakes his head. "Party is still going, some left but not that many." He says and I nod. "So what are you guys doing?" Jessica asks and Hannah coughs. "I was.. looking for Alex, then I bumped into Clay." She says and Henry looks back and forth between us. "Okay, well we're gonna go talk in my room." He says and I nod while grinning at the floor. When they go inside his room, Hannah goes to hers and I stand around looking like a dumbass. "You can come in.." she says as she opens her door. I look up at her and walk over and go in her room then she closes the door. I sit on her bed and she sits on her desk. "So.." she starts and I take a deep breath. "Um, are we gonna pretend that never happened.." she asks and my hand runs through my hair. "I'm not." I tell her and she looks at me. "Why not?" She whispers and I sigh. "I wouldn't mind going further than that," I tell her and she scoffs. "Wow, okay." She says. Fuck, I said that wrong. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I meant.. I wouldn't mind kissing you." The words rush out of my mouth and she nods. My head falls in my hands and I hear her get off the desk, then her footsteps. When I look up, she's standing right in front of me. I grab her hands as she stands between my legs and looks down at me. I stand up and stare into her eyes, almost black instead of their usual dark blue grey shade. Our lips brush until I finally lean in closer and our lips connect. Her hand goes in my hair as mine goes on her back, pulling her closer to me then she already is. Our lips move in perfect sync then we pull away. "Shit.. I'm sorry.." I whisper and rub the back of my neck. "Don't be.." she replies and I look up at her from looking at the floor. I kiss her again and I sit on the bed as she straddles my lap, her knees on either side of me. I start kissing her neck and her arms wrap around me. My hands travel down from her back and then I stop for a second, "Are you comfortable?" I ask and she looks down at me and nods, then kisses me again. "Are you a virgin?" I ask and she looks away embarrassed, why is she embarrassed? "Don't be shy.. you don't have to if you don't want to." I tell her, and my words lift a weight off her shoulders. "I- I don't know if I'm ready yet.." she whispers and I smile. "That's alright.." I tell her and she smiles back at me. That fucking smile.. what I would do to see it everyday, every hour. I go back to kissing her neck and she lets out a small moan, only for me to hear. I realize something and I stop for a second. "Is your brother.. gonna know about this?" I ask and I can tell she forgot about that. "He shouldn't give a shit considering he's with my best friend right now," she says then chuckles and I smile. She's not wrong. "You wanna go back down to the party?" I ask and she nods, then gets off my lap and stands up. I open the door for her, then she says, "I'm gonna go check on Henry, wanna come?" I nod, then we open the door to Henry's room. What the fuck..?

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