Chapter Twenty-Six

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Clay's point of view
My fingers tap the steering wheel as I look out the window, waiting for Hannah to come out. She walks out slowly, her head down, and I quickly get out of the car and rush over to her.
"Hey.. you okay?" I ask and she looks up at me.
"I'm pregnant." I can't tell if she's happy or upset, she just has an empty expression on her face. "I-I thought this would be a good thing but now that I think about it.. we have a lot of things and people in our lives that could turn this into something it's not.." she says and runs her hand through her hair. She does that when she's nervous. I put my hand on her shoulder, "Whatever you want to do, I'm here for you. If you want to raise it or anything.." I tell her and she sighs, "Even if we don't raise it.. I don't want this child to be dead because of me. This is my responsibility.." she whispers the last part and I tilt her head up to look at me. "Our responsibility." She smiles and stands on her tippy toes to kiss me, her arm wrapping around my neck. "Thank you for.. everything," she whispers and rests her head against my shoulder. "Don't thank me.. it's not like I owe you or anything, I'm doing this because I love you," I tell her and she smiles, kissing me again. "How am I gonna tell my parents?" she says and I sigh, running my hand through her hair. "I'll be right next to you when you do, don't worry."
"God I love you.." she whispers and I smile, kissing her forehead. "You want me to take you home?" I ask and she takes a deep breath, "I rather stay at your house tonight if that's alright.." she tells me and I chuckle lightly. "My parents love you being there more than me!" I say and she laughs, then we both get into my car.
Hannah's point of view
Clay drives up my driveway and into the garage, seeing both his parent's and his sister's car is gone. We get out of the car and he closes the garage before walking into the house. "You wanna watch a movie?" He offers and I nod, we both walk into his living room. I lay on his couch as he lays in between my legs, his head on my stomach. We decide on watching an action, it's actually pretty damn good. I start to caress the back of his head and he puts his hand on my hip. "I love you so much.." he breaks the comfortable silence of only the movie playing in the background. "I love you, Clay.." I whisper and he looks up at me even though his head is still against my stomach. He pulls the bottom of my shirt up to the middle of my torso and places his soft lips against my skin. His hand caresses my leg and I take a deep breath, his lips kissing my bare stomach again. "Clay.." I whisper and he pulls away, looking up at me. "This is okay right?" he asks, his ocean blue eyes now dark. Instead of answering, I sit up and kiss him, pushing him back on the couch, my legs straddling him now. His hands travel under my shirt as mine run up and down his back. His lips start to assault my neck and I moan quietly, even though it's just us here. We hear the door open, and I quickly get off him since we both think it's his parents or sisters. But it's three men in all black and have masks on, only showing their eyes and mouths. They all have baseball bats and one of them smirks when he sees us, or me. "Well.. well.. well. What do we have here?" The one that's smirking says and Clay gets up, pulling me behind him. "Back away from the girl." The second guy says and Clay just protects me even more. Now I realize only two are standing there, the other one no longer in sight. Until he hits Clay with a baseball bat, and Clay falls to the floor.
Clay's point of view
I groan and when I get up from the floor, one of the men pull me back into a chair, tying my wrists behind the chair and ankles to the chair legs. The two others pull Hannah, and I fear I know what's about to happen. "Don't do anything to her! Do what you want to me, but leave her alone!" I yell and one of the men smirks. "No.. you couldn't give us pleasure, the lady can." No no no.. please. I keep trying to break from the ties, but I can't. The one who's smirking starts to pull Hannah's pants down her legs, along with her underwear, then he pushes her on the couch. "Please, no!" She sobs and they grab her wrists tightly. I try getting my pocket knife to untie me and to kill these motherfuckers. The one that tied me walks over to Hannah, and grins. I finally get my pocket knife and without them knowing, I untie my wrists quickly by quietly. One of the men unzips his pants as I cut the ties to my ankles. He starts to push himself inside of her and she cries, and before I know it, I'm lunging at him, the pocket knife twisting in his stomach. I grab his baseball bat and hit the two others and they both fall to the floor. I hit all three of them in the face with the bat, making sure they're dead. Once I see they're no longer breathing, I rush to the bathroom and grab a towel, quickly putting it over Hannah's legs. She cries and I wrap my arms around her tightly, making sure not to hurt her. "What the hell.. what happened!" My dad yells, and both my sisters and parents are all walking through the door. "I.. I.." I'm at a loss for words and my mom steps back from me. "Clay.. are these men dead?" She asks and I look at her, then at them. "You killed them.. didn't you." My dad points at me and I stand up from the couch, "T-They broke in and tied me to a chair.. then one of them- he.." I look at Hannah and her head is hung down, tears still falling from her eyes. My little sister looks terribly scared as she sees the three bloody men. "Okay.. well. It was self defense and um.. we'll hide the bodies, no one mentions this to anyone, alright?" My dad quietly sighs and my mom slowly nods. My dad and I carry the bodies and we drop them off at the docks, pushing them into the water.
I walk into the house and I see Hannah still sitting on the couch, her cheeks wet but she's no longer crying. She has her pants on now and I sigh quietly, walking over to her and picking her up bridal style. I carry her to my room and lay her on my bed, she has no expression on her face. "You aren't thinking about.. dying, right?" I whisper as she stares up at the ceiling. "No." She says blankly and I take a deep breath, pulling the blanket over her. "I'm gonna go check on my sister.. I'll come back." She slowly nods and curls up in a ball as I walk out of the room, shutting the door quietly. I walk in to Carli's room and she's playing on the floor, so I decide to sit next to her. "Who were dwose men?" She asks and I sigh, running my hand through my hair. "Um.. those were-" I'm interrupted when the doorbell rings. I tell her to stay here then I go downstairs and I see two cops. Not again. "Clay Jensen, you're under arrest." One of the cop says then turns me around, cuffing my wrists. Hannah comes downstairs and rushes over to me, "what's going on?" She says worriedly but I already know why I'm going to jail. "You're under arrest for the murder of Montgomery De La Cruz, Zachary Dempsey, and Marcus Cole." What. The. Fuck.

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