Chapter Twenty-Four

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Clay's point of view, halfway through summer break
"You sure about this?" I ask and she nods, "Yes, I'm sure!" She says and I lean back on the chair.
I start to hear the buzzing noise and when I look at Hannah, she looks perfectly fine. When I got my first tattoo, I passed out, literally. She winces once or twice, but she doesn't freak out. About 10 minutes later of watching her wince once in a while, Brandon leans back and claps once. "You are done!" She looks at the tattoo on her wrist and shows a small smile, then I look at the one on the back of my hand. Yep, we got infinity symbol tattoos. Truth is, love can be infinite, yes, I said can. I pay Brandon and we exit the tattoo shop. "So, you wanna go to the beach or something?" I ask Hannah and she smiles, "I wouldn't mind, it's a beautiful day out."
We walk to her house since I convinced her not to go with what she has underneath, I don't want any guys staring at her truthfully. I wait at the bottom of the stairs, and when I see her coming down my jaw drops to the floor. "Do you like it?" she asks and I'm at a loss for words. "I..I.." is all that manages to come out of my mouth. "Is that a good or a bad thing?" she says then chuckles lightly. "Good.." I manage to mumble out and she smiles. "And don't worry, I'm bringing a hoodie to wear over this," she says and I nod.
Hannah's point of view
"Come on, get in the water!" he says and I groan, then I finally give in. "Okay, I get you need your tan but your skin is fine!" he says again and I roll my eyes. I walk over to the water and it actually feels good considering the weather right now. The weather is literally an oven. Clay comes in the water with me and splashes me with water right in my face. He laughs and I splash him back as his hair starts to soak with water. "Oh, really!" He says and I attempt to swim away, but he gently grabs me by my ankles and pulls me in front of him. Our noses are brushing and his hands go underneath my legs as I wrap them around his waist. My arms go around his neck, and I kiss him on his lips.

"You really like blue?"
"Yep, why do you like red?"
I put the lid on, "First of all, red is like.. the best slushie flavor." He shakes his head and smiles and he puts his lid on as well.
Clay's point of view
"She'd love to see you, trust me!" She says and pulls me into her house. "Mom, I'm home!" She says loudly and her mother comes down the stairs, "Hi Hannah, hello Clay!" she says happily, "Hello Mrs. Baker."
"Please, call me Olivia.. are you staying the night?" She asks and I smile, then I nod and she smiles back. "Well, alright. I'm gonna go to bed since it's late, so goodnight!" she says then goes to her bedroom, Hannah grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs and to her room. She lays down next to me and her bed feels so soft right now. "So, do you know what college you're going to?" She breaks the comfortable silence, and I sigh. "I'm trying my best for UCLA, it's the only college I've wanted to go to since I was in middle school," I tell her and she nods, then I lay my head on her lap. "You're smarter than me, if I make it there you can too.." I whisper and she smiles down at me. She runs her fingers through my hair slowly and calmly, and it's starting to put me to sleep. She kisses me on my forehead and I shut my eyes slowly.
I wake up still on Hannah's lap, and her breathing is steady. I look out her window and it's dark out, so I decide to get up slowly and carefully so I won't wake her up. I grab the comforters slowly and put them over her, then I kiss her on her cheek and I smile. How the hell can I be so lucky?
Hannah's point of view
I open my eyes and I look around for Clay. Did he leave? I look down and I see him sleeping on the floor and I feel so bad for him. He didn't have to sleep on the floor.. I kneel down next to him then I tap him lightly on his shoulder. He opens his eyes and leans up, "Are you okay?" is the first thing that comes out of his mouth and I smile. "Yes, but you're not gonna be if you don't get your ass up here on that comfortable bed instead of this hard wood floor," I whisper and he smiles back at me and leans up - he sits on the edge of my bed and I sit next to him. I trace the veins on his hand up to his forearm with my fingertip, then I trace one of his other tattoos on his hand. He sighs and leans back on the bed, but his legs are dangling off my bed still. And again, I find myself tracing his tattoo of birds on his lower abdomen, and when he takes a deep breath, I move my hand away. "No.. it felt nice," he whispers to me. My hand moves back to his stomach and traces a tattoo of a skull on his chest. One very small tattoo catches my eye, and I realize I've never seen it before. "What.." I mumble and he gives me a small smile. On his side, there's a tattoo with my actual name on it. He inked himself with my name?

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