Chapter Eighteen

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Hannah's point of view
I'm laying next to Clay and he's soundly sleeping, I did sleep for a bit but I woke up an hour ago and haven't fallen asleep since. I check my phone and it's four fucking A.M. I look at Clay then I quietly get off the bed and put the rest of my clothes on, then I get a paper and a pen from his desk and write on it,
Sorry I left before you could wake up, have to be back before mom notices I'm gone, see you at school! xoxo -Hannah
I almost laugh at how cliche I am, but I put the pen back on his desk and put the paper on there as well. I quietly walk out of his room and shut the door, and I walk down the stairs of his house and out the door. I sigh as I slowly walk to my house, then I look up at the sky that's starting to turn blue but it's still dark. I grab my keys and quietly unlock the door to my house, then shut it when I get in there. I tiptoe up the stairs and finally get to my room. I shut the door then sigh as I sit down on the bed as I look out the window. I run my fingers through my hair, how is Clay not stressed about this? I sure as hell heard the clicks, but I just hope it's someone that doesn't go to my school that took the fucking pictures. I decide to just let it go, so I just change into some clothes for school. Apparently, my parents decided I can leave before school, and since I can, I decide to just take a walk around L.A. I haven't noticed all these buildings here, then again, I haven't walked around L.A before, or not many times at least. I see the sun starting to shine, and there are a few cars driving. I decide to just walk to school from here, hopefully I'll be fine there.
Clay's point of view
I put my books in my locker then I look at the picture at the back of my locker of Hannah and I and I smile. I shut it and when I do, Hannah rushes over to me and she's crying. "What happened?" I ask and she sobs, "I- The picture. It's out." She says, oh fuck. She shows me the picture on her phone and it was posted online, you can see my face a bit but you can't really see Hannah's. "You can't see yours though.." I tell her as she puts her phone away. "You don't think these people will find out? This just adds to my 'slut reputation' Clay!" She says and uses air quotes during the last part. "Babe, don't worry.." I tell her and she wipes her tears, "We shouldn't even be seen together." She says and walks off, then I'm left there standing like a dumbass, and I punch my locker and people look at me.
There's thirty minutes left of class when I look at the clock and raise my hand. "Yes, Mr. Jensen?" Mrs. Bradley says and I put my hand down, "Can I go to the restroom?" I ask and she nods, then I quickly leave the class. I walk around the hallways, and I finally see Hannah standing towards her locker with her forehead against it. I quietly walk behind her, and I wrap my arms around her and rest my forehead on her shoulder. "I don't mind not being seen together, but I want to fucking spend time with you," I tell her and she sighs, "I'm sorry for getting mad at you.. it's just, you know what I'm named as." She tells me and turns around to face me, "None of those rumors are true, so why worry?" I ask as her back leans against the locker, my arms still wrapped around her. Her hands interlock on the back of my neck, "So? They believe anything Clay.." she says and looks down at the floor. "But, I know the real you.. okay?" I tell her and she nods; I lean in and kiss her passionately, and she sighs at the contact. I start to kiss her jaw, then her neck, and her hand goes in my hair. "Don't leave.. marks.. okay?" She says and I smile against her skin and I oblige. I lean back for a minute and I look at her, "What?" She says then smiles a little. "You're just.. I'm a lucky guy." I tell her and she blushes, "And I'm a lucky girl.." she whispers then kisses my jaw. The bell rings and I grab her hand and we quickly go our seperate ways. I go to my class and grab my bag, then I rush out to my next class. I sit down at the same time as Hannah, and sadly Jessica is in the same table. I look at Hannah and she's glaring at her, well they're both glaring at each other. I put the side of my head on my fist as I watch them give each other death stares. Justin walks over to our table and sits next to Jessica. "Get the fuck out of our table," I whisper to him so the teacher doesn't hear. "No, he can stay," Jessica interrupts and I scoff and lean back. "Are there any free tables for two?" I say loudly and the teacher looks at me, "Yes there is.. next to Jeff and Leah," she says and I mentally cheer. Hannah and I always hang out with Jeff and Leah in school, they're both pretty nice. Hannah and I stand up then sit across from them two, "Why'd you switch?" Jeff whispers to me as I fiddle with my pencil. "Jess cheated on my brother with Justin, me and Clay were a witness.." Hannah whispers and Jeff turns around and looks at them. "Didn't know Justin would stoop that low, you gonna tell Henry?" Leah whispers and Hannah and I both nod slowly. "Poor guy.. he might've loved her, who knows.." Jeff mumbles and I look at Jessica and Justin, and they're holding hands on top of the table. "Hello!" I hear that voice and when I turn around I see that person. Holy fuck!

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