Chapter Seven

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Clay's point of view
Holy shit. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Henry yells and my jaw is at the floor. "Henry, I can explain-" Hannah starts but he stomps over to me and shoves me to the floor. "Henry!" Hannah yells but he ignores her and punches me in the face. Uh, fucking ouch! My lip starts bleeding and he goes to punch me again, but I grab his fist and hold him back instead of pissing Hannah off by fighting him. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH MY SISTER!" He shouts so loud it booms off the wall. He holds me against the wall with his fist up, but Hannah grabs him by his shirt and pulls him back. "Stop it!" She yells and he stares at her angrily. "Why! You're sleeping with my best friend!" He yells back and I quickly put on my shirt. "And you're sleeping with mine!" She shouts and he scoffs. "Jessica doesn't have a reputation with sleeping with half the campus, this asshole does!" He yells and Hannah glares at him. I did sleep with many girls, yes.. but I've never met any like Hannah, I've liked her since we were kids but my feelings were too weak to confess. "And you did the same! Stop being a fucking hypocrite!" She shouts at him and he glares at me then walks out. I take a deep breath and sit on the bed. "You okay?" She asks and I sigh. "I'll be find.. I'm gonna go talk to him." I say and she shakes her head. "He's gonna hurt you, fuck that." She says and I smile. "I'll deal with it, stay here yeah?" I ask and she ends up smiling and sitting on her bed as I walk out. He's drinking some alcohol, it has a smell to it, whiskey? "Get the fuck out." He says and I rub my neck and lean across the counter from him. "Look man.. I get it, she's your sister and yes I have a reputation. But give me the chance to date her, I fucking like her okay? I've liked her since we were in children's underwear. So give me a fucking chance, and I won't let you or Hannah down." I finally say and he looks down at the brown liquid in his glass and he finally sighs. "Just know.. if she ends up crying because of you, or if her eyes even water for something you did, I have a knife, okay?" He says and I nod. He walks over to me and gives me a bro hug. "I'm gonna go to Jessica's.. I'll see you at school tomorrow," he says then walks out. I sigh and walk upstairs, then I lay down in Hannah's bed next to her. "How'd it go?" She asks and I smile as I take off my shirt. "He's giving me permission to go out with you," I say and she sighs then smiles. She turns on her side with her back facing me, then I lean over and kiss the back of her neck and sleep so close to her our bodies are touching.
Hannah's point of view
I open my eyes slowly and sun shines bright in them and I check my phone. 6:28. Clay has to get to his house so he can change his clothes, but he looks so peaceful sleeping right now. And hot.. Okay, nope nope, stop staring. His arms are behind his head and his abs are on perfect display, and so are his tattoos. Never thought I'd like so many tattoos at once, but now I do.. "Stop staring at me," he whispers but his eyes are closed. How the hell? I blush and look away and smile to myself as I sit on the edge of the bed. "Are you gonna go to your house and change or..?" I ask and he sighs then I hear shuffling on my bed. "Probably, is your brother home yet?" He asks as he gets off the bed and all he has on are his black ripped jeans. He looks so sexy right now.. "Hannah," he snaps me out of my thoughts. "Um, yeah?" I flush and he smiles. "I'll walk with you to school, we can go to my house on the way," he says and I nod. He grabs his shirt and puts it over his head, then puts on his socks and shoes as I go into my closet looking for what to wear. "You know you don't have to impress anyone," he says as he sits on the bed waiting for me. "You're right." I say and grab a t-shirt and my jacket and a pair of blue jeans. "See? You look so hot in that instead of trying to impress some teenagers." He says then smiles at me. "Yeah yeah okay." I grin and as I put on my jeans, I can feel his eyes on me. I can't tell if it's a bad or good thing, but I'm not gonna let it get under my skin. "So the Bryce thing.." he starts and my heart skips a beat at the mention of his name. "You haven't seen anyone talk about him?" he asks and I shake my head. God, I hope he is still lost. I put on my boots I always wear, then he kisses my cheek as we walk out of the house. "So.. is your dad home?" I ask and he sighs. "Almost always. All the bastard does is drink," he says and I look down at the concrete we're walking on. Once we get to his house, I look at him and he looks at the door. "Just.. stay here okay? If you see anyone you text me, I'll be out in a few." He tells me and I nod. When he goes inside, I sit on the sidewalk and I stare at the gutter. A minute or two later, as I'm waiting for Clay, I hear yelling then I hear glass shater and the yelling stops. What the fuck?

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