Chapter Fourteen

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Us - James Bay
Electric Love - BØRNS

Clay's point of view
"Get her out of here!" is the last thing I hear as the nurses come rushing in. I wrap my arms around Hannah and pull her out of there, I know she wouldn't comply.. I mean fuck's sakes I wouldn't either if I knew my brother could die right in front of me. "No! Let me back in!" She yells and sobs at the same time and I carry out of the hospital and I finally set her down when we get out of there. "Get out of my way!" She yells at me and I know she's hurt and wants to see him but I can't let her. I'm silent but I stay in her way, and when she tries to walk back in there I grab her hand, tight enough to make her stop but not tight enough to hurt her. "Let go!" She yells at me but I don't. "You can't see what's going on in there." I whisper and tears flow down her cheeks, "If this is the last time I see him, I want to hug him.." she sobs and I wrap my arms around her as she cries into my shirt. "It won't be the last, trust me," I whisper and kiss the top of her head. "Where are you staying.." she whispers and I sigh, "My house, once my dad comes back I'm gonna leave though." I tell her and she nods, "Can I stay with you tonight?" she asks and I give her a small smile and nod. "I'm sorry I blew up on you, I just don't want him to die.." she whispers and I sigh. "I'd do the same thing if I were in your shoes," I say and she sniffles as she lets go of me. "We'll see him again tomorrow, okay?" I whisper and she nods, then hugs me again. I hold her hand all the way to my house, and when we get there, I see a man with a black stubble and combed hair, and he looks about thirty eight. But what I notice is, he's holding a little girl's hand who looks four or five. I give Hannah a confused look and she shrugs her shoulders, and I walk up the steps and she follows behind. "Who are you?" I ask and he turns around and looks at me. "Are you Clay Jensen?" He asks and I nod, "We should talk inside.." he says and I unlock the door and open it for them to come in. Okayyyyy.. I motion for them to sit at the dining table, and Hannah sits next to me as him and the little girl sit next to each other. She has blue eyes and dark hair like me, and her lips kind of look like mine. "So, your mother was Lainie Jensen, correct?" He asks and I nod slowly. "Hate to say this, but when her and your father were together.. she had an affair with me, and I'm not proud of it. But, this was before you were born," he sighs when he finishes and I give him a confused look. "And, you're saying..?" I ask him and he takes a deep breath. "I'm your dad, not Matt." He tells me and I scoff, "Your proof?" I tell him and he gives me a paper. DNA test, well shit. I look up at him from the paper, then I set in on the table. "So.. you've been my dad this whole time?" I ask and he nods. "Well, did you know about me?" I ask again and he sighs, "Your mother ended it when she found out she was pregnant, and I thought you were Matt's child.. but I went through some papers this morning, and I found you in a DNA test I did a while back. So, I looked you up and found your address, now here I am." He finishes and all these thoughts are running through my mind. "Who's she then?" I ask, can't be my mother's child if she was born after what happened. "This is my daughter, her mom is my wife now.." he says slowly and I look at her, and she's smiling as she fiddles with her hands. "Her name is Carli, she's four," he tells me and I nod, then she looks up at me and smiles. "I heard that your dad left, but just know.. you're welcome to live with me and my wife, we live ten minutes from here", he says and I nod. "Um, when am I able to move?" I ask and he smiles. "Right now if you'd like." I look at Hannah and she smiles, then I look at my father and my sister. "Alright.." I say and a tear falls down my cheek. I can't believe it.. this whole time, I had a father who was a great man and I never even met him. My sister stands up and stands next to my seat, then hugs me while smiling and I hug her back. I let go of her and she sits back down on the seaf, her head barely past the table. "I'll go pack.." I mumble and he nods, then I go upstairs to my room and look around. I grab everything I need and stuff it in my bag, then I look around at the almost empty room since I'm not quite done, just my favorite books left. I put them in my backpack one by one, then I run my finger along the title of the only book my mom got me, Pride and Prejudice. A small tear rolls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away then gently put the book in my bag. The door opens and I see Hannah standing in the doorway at the corner of my eye when I stand up, but then a picture catches my eye and when I look at it, it's a picture of my mom and I when I was five. Hannah walks over to me and I turn my head to her. She cups my cheeks with her hands as tears start to fall down my eyes and over her hands, "I'm sorry.." she whispers. "This shouldn't be about me.. this should be about you and Henry," I tell her and she smiles as a tear falls down her own cheek. "I want you to be happy," she says then kisses me on the lips. Our foreheads are resting against each other as
I stare into her dark blue grey eyes. "You come before me, always.. I'd rather be sad than have you be." I tell her and she smiles a little, but then kisses me again. "I can't believe your my boyfriend.. after all these years, who knew?" She says then chuckles but it's a sob at the same time and I smile weakly as tears start to stop coming down my face. My arms go around her body as hers go around my neck, and I nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck as she lays her forehead on my shoulder. We feel a pair of small arms wrap around our legs, and when we look down we see Carli, hugging our legs and we smile at each other. She looks up at us and smiles, then lets go. I kneel down to her level, and I wrap my arms around her as she wraps her tiny arms around me. For a second when I look at her, I see a little girl who looks like Hannah and when I blink it goes away. What just happened?

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