Chapter Twenty

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Clay's point of view
She looks taken aback and people start to look at us, and her eyes swell with tears. "You're sick.. you're really fucking sick," she says to me and walks away. I gently grab her hand but she turns around and slaps me across the face, hard. "Hannah, please.." I whisper as she stares at me, tears silently starting to roll down my face. "I love you.. okay? I'd never cheat on you, I got your initial tattooed on me for fuck's sake!" I say as she looks down. "How do I know it's even for my name?" She mumbles and I run my fingers through my hair. I fucking love this girl, why can't she see that? "Come to me with proof that you didn't cheat on me, then I'll fucking talk to you." She says and walks away, and I stare at her figure until it disappears. Who could've made a girl say that to me.. the jocks. I run to Tony's house and I'm out of breath when I get there. "Hey Clay, you okay?" He asks, he's fixing his car and I cough from my ragged breaths. "I- Yeah.. do you have a tape recorder?" I ask and he nods - he tells me to wait here and he goes inside. About a minute later, he comes out and gives me the recorder with a microphone. "What's it for?" He asks and I scratch the back of my head, "Um, just a project.." I lie and he nods. I run to my house to change my clothes and empty my backpack. I put the recorder in there at the bottom, then I sling my bag over my shoulder. I run to the first house I know, Foley.
I knock on the door, and to my hope, he answers. "The fuck do you want?" He asks and I take a deep breath, "You got any.. weed?" I ask and he looks around, "Alright, come in but that's it." He says and I nod. I walk in when he opens the door and I sit down on his couch, "So, what kind do you want?" He asks and I look down, "Um, an eighth.." He nods and goes to his room, then he comes back and sits down as he rolls up the small joint. "So, you don't like Hannah Baker?" I ask and he scoffs, "Fuck no. She's a psycho," he says and I nod. "Got anything to confess about her?" I ask and he shakes his head but I see him grinning as his head is looking down. I look through my bag and turn on the recorder, then I put my bag in front of me. "I know you made a girl say that to me," I say and he grind even wider. "And if I did? That's not the only thing I did to ruin Hannah," he says and my eyes open wide. He did more than one thing? "Like what?" I ask and he sighs, "Your little Hannah isn't a happy girl, y'know?" He says and my hands run down my face. "A lot of girls kill themselves if they get raped.." he mumbles and my head shoots up. "The fuck is that supposed to mean!" I shout and he smiles a devilish smile. "Eh, I'm a man, you know? Guys don't care about consent most of the time," He says and I lunge at him and punch him in the face. I keep punching him until he's not fighting it anymore, then I stand up and leave him there. I grab my bag and rush out of the house and run to Hannah's house. I cough when I get to her front porch, then I open the door and look around since her parents' car isn't in the driveway. "Hannah, Hannah!" I yell and I get no response. I look around the first floor and I put my bag down, then I rush up the stairs to the second. I knock on her bathroom door, but I get no answer. I push on it, but it's locked. I step backwards and I run into it, then it flings open. "Hannah! Don't do it!" I yell and I see her with a razor in her hand and she's about to cut herself. I grab it from her and put it on the bathroom counter, "Give. It. Back. To. Me.." she says and I sigh. "Why.. just why?" I ask, my voice breaking and she looks down at the floor. "You were gonna leave me here.. alone?" I ask again and tears silently fall down both of our faces. "I- I was raped.. okay? And, I feel his hands on me all the fucking time since it happened," she whispers and I tilt her chin up to look at me. "When did this happen?" I ask and she takes a deep breath, "I- It happened the other day.." she mumbles and I wrap my arms around her. "I have his confession, you'll be alright.." I whisper in her ear and she silently cries in my chest. "And I didn't cheat on you.. okay? He said that because he knew you were happy with me and he didn't want that." I tell her, and she wraps her arms even tighter around me. "I'm sorry.." she mumbles. "I love you.. okay? You are everything to me.. and you don't have to say it back to me, but just know that's how I feel about you," I tell her and we pull away. "Who did this to you?" I ask and she takes a feel breath and looks down again, "I- It was.. it was Montgomery.." she mumbles and I scratch my head. "I thought he was.. gay?" I ask and she sighs slowly, "He is I guess, but he did it to get back at me for Bryce I guess.." she says and I hug her again. "Do you wanna go to my house?" I ask and she nods, then I wipe the tears ready to fall down her face.

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