Chapter Eleven

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Pain - Nessa Barrett
Gimme Love - Joji
Bang! - AJR
18 - Grant Knoches

Hannah's point of view
I'm sitting in the police station, I have coffee in one hand and my legs are shaking. "Hey," I hear a voice say and when I look up, I see Zach. "The hell do you want?" I ask him and he sighs then sits down next to me. "I know Clay didn't kill Bryce.." he says and I give him a sarcastic wow then I sip my coffee. "I know who did." He says and I look up at him, "mhm," I mumble and put my left leg over my right. "The house he went to, that was my grandma's.. she found a knife in his stomach." He says and my eyes shoot up to him, the fuck..? I rush over to the front desk and the cop looks up at me from the computer. "Look, Clay Jensen beat up Bryce, yes. But there was a knife in his stomach, that's how he died." I tell him and his fingers tap the keyboard. "Mhm.. and why was he in the middle of a bad part in town?" He says and I rub my arm. "We took him there.." I mumble and he stops tapping. "Take the knife, look at the fingerprints." I say and he sighs, "We will miss, but right now we're investigating Clay since he was last seen beating up Bryce," he says and Henry comes behind me and I don't know when the fuck he got here but I am only focused on as I look at the cop. Who the fuck saw Clay..? Holy shit. Henry realizes it as well as he looks at me. We both rush out of the station and I leave Zach there even though he just helped me. I run to Henry's car and he slides over the hood to the driver's side and falls like a dumbass. "Fuck that hurt.." he curses to himself then wipes his jeans as he gets up, then he gets in the car and we drive to a specific address.
Once we get there, Alex opens the door and Henry grabs him by the shirt. "Why the fuck did you snitch on Clay!" He shouts and Alex looks taken aback. "Why shouldn't I? You guys killed Bryce," he says and I cross my arms and give him a glare as Henry grips tighter on his shirt. He pulls Alex out of his house and shoves him to the grass, "Fight me you fucking pussy! You'll talk all your shit but you can't even fight!" Henry shouts at Alex as he stands to his feet. Alex goes to shove my brother, but Henry just punches him in his face and my hand goes over my mouth. Henry punches him again in his jaw and then his face again, but Alex tries to block the pain and punches Henry back in his nose. Blood drips down both of their faces, and Henry tackles Alex to the ground then pounds on his face. Just as he's about to hit him one more time, we hear a shout and Henry's head snaps to the street. We see a man rushing towards us and we get in the car and drive, tires screeching and all. Okay, what the fuck did we just do? I only have one option to get Clay out of jail without bail, and I have to call the one person I don't want to call for it. I dial Zach's number and he answers on the first ring. "Hannah?" He says through the phone and I sigh, "Hi Zach.." I say and Henry raises an eyebrow at me. "Um, what's up?" He asks and I lean my head on the window. "What is your grandmother's address?" I ask and I hear silence through the phone for a second, then he tells me the address and I thank him then hang up. I put the address on my GPS and put it in the cup holder and Henry listens to it as we drive with the directions. Twenty minutes later, we stop in front of a suburban two story house with a car in the driveway, and I get out and tell Henry to stay in and I walk up the steps to the front porch. I take a deep breath and knock lightly on the door, an elderly man answers with a hunchback and I smile at him. "Hello, who are you?" He asks me as he lowers his glasses and I sigh. "May I come in?" I ask and he nods, then slowly opens the door wider. He motions for me to follow him, and he sits down at a small table and I sit across from him. "Did a man with a knife in his stomach show up to your door?" I ask and he leans back on his chair and folds his glasses, then he sets them on the table. "My wife called me over, and yes.. we found a boy with a knife in his stomach, why do you ask?" He says and I scratch my inner wrist. "Do you happen to have that knife.." I whisper not trying to sound weird. Fuck's sake I do look weird, show up to a random person's house and ask for a fucking knife. "Why?" He replies and I sigh, "My.. friend was accused of murdering him when he didn't, and I need the knife for fingerprints." I tell him and he nods, then gets up slowly and walks to the kitchen. He grabs a bag with a knife in it and it has excess blood on it and I can't even look at it. "I felt something like this would happen, or the cops would come here and ask for it anyway, so here you go." He says then gives me the clear bag. I thank him then I walk out of the house and stand in front of the door and sigh. I can finally get him out of jail.. I hear painful groans, but it sounds nearby.. I look around but I can't see anyone, "Henry, did you hear- oh my God!"

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