Chapter Sixteen

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Clay's point of view
I see Hannah's mouth open when she looks through the window, and when I look for myself, mine is the same way. "What the fuck is this about?" I whisper to her and she looks at me, "How would I know?" She whispers back, no one fucking does that to my best friend. I knock on the window loudly, no, pound on the window loudly, and they both shoot up from the bed. "What the fuck are you guys doing here?" Jessica says to us and Hannah scoffs, "We were gonna surprise you with good news that Henry is doing better, but here you are!" She says loudly and Justin is standing there awkwardly. "You told me you and Henry were done," he says and I bitterly laugh, "Nope, her actual boyfriend got fucking beat and stabbed and I thought she cared. But no! Fuck this shit, we're telling Henry," I tell them and Jessica tries to stop me, but I ignore her and climb off the roof and help Hannah climb down as well. "Do your parents know about me?" I ask her when we start walking to her house. "They know I'm with someone, but not you, no.." she mumbles the last part as if she's ashamed. I sigh, "I understand. They wouldn't like a guy like me," I tell her and she looks at me, "It's not that.. I just thought you'd want this to be a secret," she tells me and I shove my hands in my pockets. "It's whatever you want babe, if you want me to meet them I will, if you don't, then I don't," I say and she smiles as she looks down, "Why do you have to be so perfect?" She asks and I smile as well, "Why do you have to be so beautiful?" I ask her and she blushes. I take my hand out of my pocket only to hold hers, and she lets me. We stop infront of her house, "I'll see you tomorrow?" She asks and I nod, then I lean down and kiss her. Her hands interlock behind my neck and mine go on her back, "Hannah, what are you doing!" I hear a woman's voice and I almost drop Hannah on the ground but I catch her just in time. "I- Mom!" She says and turns red as I look down at the pavement. "Who is this handsome young boy?" Her mom asks and I scratch the back of my head, "Um, this is Henry, my boyfriend," Hannah says and I give her mom a small wave and a smile. "Well, come in!" She says and Hannah looks at me. "I'd love to ma'am, but I got to get home," I tell her and even though I want to go inside and meet her mom, I do have to get home. Her mother shows a small frown, "Well, alright. Get home safely, and come here tomorrow!" She says and I nod, then I wave to her and Hannah and run down the sidewalk to my house. I finally get home and I open the door with my keys, then I shut it and lock it. "Clay!" Carli yells then runs to me and I kneel down and hug her. "Hey! How you been?" I ask her and she giggles, "Good. Cwan we watch a movwie?" She says in the cutest way and I smile and nod, then I carry her to the living room. I sit her on my lap when I sit down on the couch, "What movie do you wanna watch?" I ask, "Twoy Stwory!" She says excitedly and claps, I chuckle then I put the movie on for her. "Who's thwis Bwuzz guy!" She says in the middle of the movie and I smile. Almost at the end of the movie, I hear her steady breathing and quiet snoring, then I turn the TV and lamp off and carry her to her room. Her room is pink and has a small bed with a bookshelf and toys. I lay her down since she's already in her pajamas, then I put the comforters over her and kiss her head. I shut the door quietly when I exit the room, then I see my dad in the hallway, "Hey son, she asleep?" He asks and I nod. "Out like a light," I tell him and he smiles, then he bids me goodnight and goes to his bedroom, then I go to mine.
12:00 A.M
I feel something tapping my hand, and when I open my eyes I see my sister with a teddy bear in her arm. "What happened?" I ask her and lean up, "I'm scwared to sleep alone.. thwere's monsters!" She says and I smile, then I pick her up and lay her on my bed next to me. "Better?" I ask and she nods, then I tell her to stay here and I grab her small blanket since my comforters are too heavy. I come back and lay it over her, then I hear a crash. I hear another one, then I pick her up and tell her to hide in my closet, then she runs to it and shuts the door. I tiptoe out of my room slowly, then I see a man in all black in my house. He looks through my drawers then I sneak up behind him, and punch him in the back of his head and he passes out. "What happened?" My dad says and I look at him then shrug, and I pull the mask off the guy. Oh. My. God.

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