Chapter Ten

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Henry's point of view
I knock on the door and smile knowing Jessica is gonna answer, but instead it's a middle aged man that looks a bit like her and my smile turns into a straight face. "You must be Henry.." he says and gives me a weird look. I nod my head, "yes sir." He clicks the roof of his mouth with his tongue, "My daughter went for you? Wow.." he says and I shift on my heels. "Dad, stop." I hear Jessica's voice then she comes into my view, and I sigh of relief mentally. "Bring her home by 8:00," he says and Jessica looks at him. "I- 10:00, past that, if you're even a minute late-" he starts, but Jessica cuts him off. "We're gonna go now, bye." She says and walks out then shuts the door. I sigh, "your dad seems nice.." I tell her and smile, then she nudges me as we walk down the steps of her front porch and to my car. I open the door for her and she gets in, then I walk around to my side and get in myself. I lean over the console and kiss her then Hannah makes a gagging sound and I roll my eyes. I keep my eye on the mirror in the car as I watch Hannah and Clay talk, they seem fine together now but they aren't really dating yet. I won't wish bad on them though. I look at it one more time, and of course they fucking kiss. It's whatever.. but he's my best friend and she's my sister, I care about them both. I decide to keep my eyes on the road and I rest my right arm on the console; Jessica puts her hand on mine and smiles at me. I park my car in a spot and we all get out, then I lock my car.
Clay's point of view
We all walk into the resturant and I look down at Hannah and she looks fucking beautiful. "How many?" The guy at the front desk asks and Henry tells him four then he nods. "Hmm.. 10 minute wait, is that okay?" He asks us and we all nod then sit down. "So, was my dad nice to you?" Jessica asks Henry and he shifts on his seat. "I- nope, not really," he says then chuckles lightly. While Jessica and Henry are deep in conversation, I take the chance to kiss Hannah lightly on the lips and she smiles at me. The waiter calls Henry's name and we all stand up at the same time then follow him to our booth. Henry and Jessica sit next to each other and Hannah and I sit next to each other, I mean it's pretty obvious. Hannah holds my hand under the table and I look at her as she looks at her phone. Her happy smile I always see turns into a frown real fast, "What's wrong?" I ask and her mouth is open, but words can't seem to come out. We all get a notification on our phone, so when I look, well it's not a good thing. It's a picture zoomed in on Hannah's butt, but that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about who fucking posted this.. I look below the picture and see that fucking Justin posted it, wow..the comments is what I have trouble reading; I just shut my phone off and look at Hannah, her face is in her hands and Jessica and Henry are giving her a worried look. "Um, do you wanna go?" I ask her but she's silent. I don't blame her for having nothing to say, I'd have nothing to say to her either. "We'll go, c'mon.." Jessica says and Henry nods slowly. "You guys can sit here for a bit, we're gonna wait in the car." He says and I nod and give him a small smile, then him and Jess walk out. I put my hand on hers and a few tears run down her face. "It's alright.." I tell her and she looks up at me, her blue eyes already starting to turn red. I give her a reassuring smile, then she lays her head on my shoulder as I try to calm her down. Fucking assholes, they're gonna be sorry for doing that to her. Her tears stop falling and she sighs, then runs her hand through her hair. "Let's go.." she whispers, I nod and grab her hand as we get out of the booth and exit the restaurant. "What happened with your dad?" She asks me and I sigh, "When I got to my house, he wasn't there.. but neither was his stuff. So, I guess he left and I don't know when he'll be back," I tell her and she nods slowly.
When we get to Hannah's house, her and I are watching a movie, we hear a pound at the door. She looks at me, and I stand up to answer it. I walk over to the door and open it, then I see two cops at the door. "Clay Jensen?" One of the cops ask and I nod my head. "Turn around and put your hands behind your back." What the fuck? I slowly turn around and put my hands behind my back, Hannah rushes towards me. "What am I under arrest for?" I ask them as one of them cuffs my wrists. "You're under arrest for the murder of Bryce Walker."

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