Chapter Twelve

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Henry's point of view
I look on my phone and I love the feeling of a night breeze as I roll down my window. I hope Hannah gets what shes looking for in there.. I hear footsteps on the road, but when I look around there's nothing. Next thing I know, a rock flies through my window and hits me right on my head as the glass starts to cut my arms when it shatters. I hear the door open and someone pulls me out, then he beats me many times and I feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. Where the fuck am I? I feel blood on my torso and face, then I hear the steps run off, and I groan loud from the pain. "Henry, did you hear- oh my god!" I hear my sister's voice, and I try to breathe but it gets more difficult by the breath. My eyes start to close and they get heavier, and heavier, and more heavier.. "Henry! Wake up! Don't fucking die on me.." I hear my sister's sobs as she tries to help me. "Somebody help, please! I need a fucking ambulance!" She yells and I cough, blood coming out of my mouth and onto the pavement. I hear footsteps running towards me, then my eyes close.

Hannah's point of view
"We need a nurse, stat!" "Get him a room, now!" "He's bleeding bad, come on!" I hear all these words enter my mind, and I feel like I'm gonna pass out in this hospital. My whole body is shaking as they take my brother into a room, and I can't even sit down or anything. "Are you okay?" I hear Zach's voice and I startle, my bottom lip quivers.  "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.." he whispers softly, I try to talk but I can't seem to. "It'll be okay.." he whispers to me and my fingers keep running through my hair from my anxiety. Zach gets up and my eyes are focused on the floor. He comes back and gives me a coffee cup, and I hope I don't drop it from the way I'm shaking.. About an hour later of me pacing around the waiting room, a woman with black hair comes up to me. "Hannah Baker?" She asks and I nod, "is my brother gonna be okay?" I ask and she sighs. "We're trying the best we can.. he lost a lot of blood so there is a chance we won't be able to save him, but we're doing all we can." She says, and my legs turn to mush and my knees feel wobbly. "You may come back tomorrow morning and see how he is," she tells me and I nod slowly, then walk out of this dark, sad place. "I'll give you a ride home.." Zach says as he catches up to me and I nod slowly. He drives me home then stops his car in front of the sidewalk, and I get out, shut his door, then walk to my front porch. I unlock the door with my keys and I see my parents sitting on the couch with their heads down. I shut the door and their heads snap up, "Where is your brother! I need to see him!" My mom shouts and I'm at a loss for words. Does she know? "I- Why do you need to see him..?" I whisper as she paces around the room. "I got a call from the hospital, did you go? Is he ok? Where is he? How'd he get hurt?" She fills my mind with all these questions and my ears hurt. "Yes, they don't know, he's at the Cresmont Clinic, and he got beat then stabbed.." I answer all her questions in order and I take a deep breath as I remember how my brother looked when he was in pain. "I'm gonna go to sleep.." I mumble then walk up the stairs to my room and I start to cry when I get in there and shut the door. Why me..! Why me, just why! I take off my jacket and put a pair of shorts on, then I get under the covers as tears start to flow down my cheeks. All I can think about is Clay and Henry, only them two..
After a few minutes of trying to fall asleep, I finally shut my eyes and dream about only the good things.
3:00 A.M
I wake up with a small noise, then I rub my eyes and yawn. I hear the noise again, and I get off my bed and look around. I look at the window and I see a pebble hitting it and making a small sound. Who the hell is throwing pebbles at my window at three fucking A.M? I open the window and look out, then I see Clay standing below my window. "What are you doing here?" I whisper yell and he smiles, "Let me up," he whispers back and I nod, looking around for something to help him get up. I find a box in my room and I grab it, then I drop it down to him and he lets it fall in front of him; he sets it up where if he jumps he can reach my window. He steps back a little, then he runs forward and when his shoe hits the box, he jumps and his hands grab the edge of my window. "Nice parkour," I joke and he smiles, then he climbs into my window and falls when he gets in, making a small thud on my floor. He quickly gets up then I wrap my arms around him tightly, "How'd you get here?" I whisper and he smiles. "There's a good thing and a bad thing.." he whispers then rubs the back of his neck, I nod for him to go on and when he opens his mouth, a knock on the door stops him and he rushes to go behind the door. "Hannah?" my mom asks and I rub my eyes. "What are you doing up so late?" She asks and I scratch my head, "I knocked something down in my sleep and it woke me up.." I lie and she sighs, then nods and shuts the door. I go over to Clay and grab his hand, then I sit him on the bed next to me. "Good thing," I say and he nods, "Well, they found the knife and checked the fingerprints, they know it's not me so they let me out." He whispers happily and I smile, I'm so glad he's back. "How'd they find the knife?" I ask and he sighs, if the knife was in Henry's car, how'd they- holy shit. "That's the bad news.. um, they found it in Henry's car and Alex went to the police and told them he beat him up, so now he has to go to jail for a week or two.. and I'm sorry about what happened to him," he finishes and I sigh, then I put my hand on his cheek. "I'm just glad you're back.." I tell him and smile weakly. He takes a deep breath, "do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks and I smile to myself, but instead of answering I pull him by his shirt and kiss him slowly. "Does that answer your question?" I mumble and he smiles, then kisses me again. I lay back on the bed first then I pull him over me, and he kisses my neck, my hand going on the back of his head. He stops for a minute then looks down at me; I grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it over his head, then I toss it beside me. "Where is this going.." he whispers and I look down and he looks at me with hooded eyes, "We don't have to.." he whispers again and I grab his face with my hands, "I want to." I want to..

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