Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Us - James Bay
Clay's point of view, at his house
"You sure you okay?"
"Clay, please.. I'm fine. Are you okay?"
"As long as you are," I tell her and she sighs as I sit on the edge of my bed. "I'm gonna take a shower.." I mumble and get up, then she slowly nods as I walk to the bathroom.
I let the warm water pound on the back of my head, it's comforting. I can't believe it. This fucking world wants to ruin Hannah and I, but why? Did we do something? Did I do something? If Hannah's life is ruined, mine is too, because she's everything to me. I hear the bathroom door open, and when I peek my head out of the shower curtain, I see Hannah facing the shower but leaning against the bathroom counter. I don't know what to say, I want to ask her if she's okay but she's told me a million times she is, which I don't believe. "Um.. do you want to join me?" I barely whisper and she slowly nods, and even though I've seen her a hundred times, I turn around and face the wet tiled wall. After a minute or two, I feel a pair of small arms wrap around my body, and I almost immediately smile to myself, a small one, but still a smile. I turn around while still in her embrace, and her dark blue eyes are darker than usual, her pupils dilated.
"Are you-"
"If you ask me if I'm okay again, I will hurt you." I laugh slightly and I see her smile, which I've been wanting to see for a long time now. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly, not wanting to let go. "I love you so much.." I whisper into her hair and I feel her smile against my chest, "I love you more.." she says back, then pulls away and looks up at me. "Did your mom know about.. the pregnancy?" I ask and she sighs, shaking her head. "She thought for a second but I told her no.. I wanted to wait and see if.. you know." I take a deep breath, planting a small kiss on her wet hair, "We don't have to tell them now. No one I know knew.." I say and she rests her forehead against my chest while tracing part of my arm tattoo. "I like these on you.." she whispers and grins up at me. I roll my eyes playfully at her as she traces another tattoo on my lower abdomen. I run my hand through her soaked hair and I look down at her, then she stands on her tippy toes, planting a kiss on my lips. But we all know that isn't enough. I wrap my arms around her as her hands interlock at the back of my neck, kissing her again, but this one lingers for a while. We pull away while still holding each other, Hannah's arms wrapped tightly around my body and mine are wrapped tightly around her. "What are you thinking about?" I ask and she sighs, looking up at me. "When we had our first kiss." I smile at her and kiss her on her wet hair.
Once we're done cleaning our bodies in the shower, we leave the bathroom, change, and just lay on my bed while staring at the ceiling. "Do you think I'll ever be as pretty as Jessica Davis?"
"Y-you're joking, right? Hannah, you're beautiful. I mean, no offense to Jessica but, you're way prettier than her."
"You're just saying that because I'm your girlfriend."
"If you weren't I'd say the same thing," I tell her and she rolls her eyes but ends up smiling. God, do I love her smile. I sigh while grinning to myself and she wraps her arm around my torso and lays her head on my chest.
I wake up and I feel Hannah's hand through my hair, instantly I smile. "Were you watching me while I sleep?" I tease her and she rolls her eyes at me, but still runs her hand through my hair. "No, I wasn't. I was just running my hand through your hair," she says innocently. "I mean.. it feels nice," I whisper and she smiles, still running her hand through my hair. My phone vibrates on the bedside table and I groan slightly, then I see my dad's name.
"Hey dad."
"Come to the hospital, it's urgent."
"I- okay, I'll be there in five."
I'm already slipping on my boots and shirt, and Hannah sits up on the bed, she has a worried look on her face.
"What's wrong?"
"My dad needs me at the hospital, he said it's urgent."
"I'll go with you."
"Thanks.." I say and she nods, getting off the bed and putting on a hoodie of mine, she has about five of them at her house but I won't say anything.
Hannah's point of view
I sigh quietly and run my hand through my hair. Clay told me to wait here and I'm scared for him, I hope nothing is wrong. He comes out and he has a numb expression on his face, his eyes filled with tears, and his cheeks are wet. I quickly stand up, rushing over to him. "What's wrong?" I ask and he looks at me. "Carli's in cardiac arrest." Oh no..

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