Chapter Twenty-Five

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Clay's point of view
"I did."
"I- I can't believe you'd do this for me.."
"Well, I love you. I'd do anything for you."
I kiss her softly and when she pulls away, she smiles. "Why are you so perfect?" she asks and I look down, shaking my head. "I'm not perfect.." I mumble and she tilts my head to look at her. "You're perfect to me.." she whispers and smiles again. "I don't deserve you. You deserve a guy like Zach, not me." I tell her and she tilts her head to the side, then raises an eyebrow at me. "A guy like Zach? I'd be lucky to date Tyler Down if Zach was a good guy." I chuckle and she kisses me again, "don't ever say you're not good for me. You're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for." Her smile fades and turns into a scared look. "What's wrong?" I ask and lean up. "I haven't got my period and I was supposed to get it two weeks ago." Oh fuck.
Hannah's point of view
"Okay, why exactly do we need ten different tests?" I ask as he grabs about twenty pregnancy tests. "Well, some don't work so it's best if we get one of each." I roll my eyes as he gets the last few and gives them to the cashier. He raises an eyebrow at Clay and sighs, scanning each one. "27.50." Almost thirty dollars just to see if I'm pregnant? Okay.
"Clay, this is ridiculous."
"No, this is important."
"Good or bad?"
He stays silent from the question I just asked and looks down as the cashier bags the tests. He puts the change in his pocket, grabs the bags, and walks toward the exit as I follow behind him.
The drive to my house is silent, but not a comfortable silence we're always used to, this one is awkward. If I am pregnant, does he want the kid or will he just leave me? God, I have issues with overthinking things. His eyes don't look like they always do when I turn at him, they look like he can't focus, or something, he doesn't look happy. When he makes a turn, I put my hand on his knee and he looks at me. "What is wrong.." I whisper and he sighs, his eyes focusing back on the road. "Nothing.." he lies and I look out the window, putting my hand back on my lap. "If you don't tell me, I'll jump out of the car right now."
He leans back on the seat and stops at a red light, turning his head at me, "I love you, okay.. but I mean, if you are pregnant, what are we gonna do?" I sigh and look down at my lap, "You'll leave me if I am pregnant, won't you.." I mumble.
"No! No, of course not. I will raise the child with you, but.. what about school? I don't want guys making fun of you when you.. start to show? I don't know, but the last thing I want is you being teased again." I look up at him and his eyes are to normal, almost. But now, tears are starting to brim in them. "If you want.. we can both take months off when you'd like. I'll do anything you want.." he whispers softly and caresses my hand with his thumb. A car honks and when he looks back at the road, there are no cars in front of him. He puts his shoe back on the gas and goes down the street to my neighborhood.
Clay's point of view
My fingers nervously tap on my knee as my eyes are focused on her floor. The door opens and she sits down next to me on the bed, her hand resting on top of mine. "W-What did.. it say?" I stutter and she sighs, almost looking confused, "Some said yes, others said no."
I take a deep breath, removing my hand from under hers but putting it on her knee. "Next week I'll take you to the doctor so you can get checked, is that okay?" She smiles at me and kisses me on my lips, "More than okay."
A week later at the doctors
"Alright, would you like to stay in sir?" The doctor asks and I look up at Hannah, she gives me a nod. "Um, yes ma'am.." I say and she nods, putting on her gloves. Through the whole process, I can only look at the tiled floor and Hannah's worried face.
"Alright, the results will be ready tomorrow, so just come here, state your name, and you'll get the results," the doctor states and Hannah nods. She gets off the seat as I get off the chair, and we both exit the small room. She takes my hand as we walk out of the hospital, and I take a deep breath as I smell the fresh air. I hate the smell of hospitals.
Hannah's point of view
I open my eyes slowly and I see Clay with just his jeans on laying next to me and I instantly smile. He turns on his side facing me, then opens his eyes as well. "Good morning.." he says and if his morning voice doesn't sound hot, I don't know what is. He puts his hand on my waist and pulls me closer to him, placing a kiss on the side of my neck. He lays me down on my back and he hovers over me, placing another kiss but on my shoulder. "Babe.. my parents are asleep," I tell him and push him back gently by the shoulders, but he just grins. "So don't be loud this time.." he teases me and I roll my eyes.  He kisses me softly, then he pulls away for a second, "I feel like this isn't real.." he whispers and I raise an eyebrow at him. "I mean.. you're so perfect. And I'm just.. well I'm me."
I put my hand on the back of his neck and put my thumb on his bottom lip. "Please.. stop talking bad about yourself, alright? You are perfect. You're better than every guy in school. You're good.. kind.. decent.. and if anything? I don't deserve to be with someone like you."

A/N - Yes, that was a 13RW reference when it was Clay's tape.
"You're good, and kind, decent. And I didn't deserve to be with someone like you."

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