Chapter Thirty-One

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A/N: This is Clay's bedroom.
Quote of the chapter: You are a risk I will always be willing to take.
Clay's point of view
"Get off of me.. I have a girlfriend!"
"We're just having fun, don't worry about her."
My mind is swirling with thoughts right now, I'm drunk and stoned and this girl won't get the fuck off of me. I came in here to rest and she followed me in and now she won't get the hell off of me. "I don't hit women but if you don't get off right now I will push you off myself," I threaten and she rolls her eyes, interlocking her fingers behind my neck. "Get off!" I yell, but it's like she can't even hear me. The door opens and I see Hannah standing in the doorway, broken and upset. That's it. I push the girl off and she falls on the floor, but I could care less right now. She rushes out of the room and Hannah covers her mouth with her hand in disbelief, and I feel terrible that she thinks I cheated on her when I didn't. "Babe, it's not what you think," I slightly slur and she starts to silently cry. "Clay- I.. I can't do this anymore, you- you.." she's at a loss for words and tears start to swell in my eyes. I should've never gotten drunk and came to this party, I should've just stayed with Hannah and she could've comforted me through this damn process. "Hannah, I came in here and she followed me and got on top of me and- I- I would never cheat on you," I confess and even though I'm drunk, I know exactly what I'm saying. I don't know how, but a drunken me talking to Hannah just sobers me up. "You're drunk Clay.. and-" she stops and sniffs the air, "And you were fucking doing pot. Great!" She scoffs bitterly and I don't blame her. "Please listen to me, I would never cheat on you," I beg and she runs her hand through her hair. "I'm taking you home so you can rest, you're obviously hammered."
"But, I'm not! Talking to you sobers me up.."
"You need a glass of water-" I cut her off by smashing my lips against hers and she starts to push her hands against my chest, but I grab them gently and put them at her sides. Her lips start to move in sync with mine and her arms wrap around my neck. "I didn't cheat on you," I whisper as we pull away and I rest my forehead against hers. "It looked like you did.." she says and I sigh. "She followed me in here and got on me and she wouldn't get off, I tried getting her off but she wouldn't listen. And.. I'm sorry for getting drunk without telling you," I apologize and she puts her hands on my shoulders. "I don't think I should know everything you're doing." I sigh and look down. "If I'm gonna be drinking, I think I should tell you," I state and rub the back of my head. She takes a deep breath and wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly. "Let's get out of here," I whisper and she nods, then I grab her hand and walk down stairs as she follows behind, still holding my hand.
While she drives me to my house, I feel her hand rest on my knee and I look at her, she's smiling to herself, small, but a smile. "Graduation is in two weeks.." I break the silence and she turns to me for a second, then focuses back on the road and nods. "Prom is in one," she replies and I tap my fingers on my leg. "Do you wanna go with me?" I ask and she smiles wider while stopping at a red light. She bites her bottom lip and leans over the console, kissing me on my lips. I kiss her back and my hand moves to her cheek as hers moves to my hair and runs her fingers through it. Before it goes any further, a car honks at us and she pulls away. She blushes slightly while I grin to myself and look out the window as she drives again.
She stops in front of my house and I unbuckle my seatbelt. "Do you want to come in? My parents are at the hospital right now and knowing them, they'll probably stay over night," I offer and scratch the back of my neck. She nods and before she gets out of her car, I lean over and kiss her, her lips moving in sync with mine. I lean back on the seat while still kissing her, and she climbs over the console and straddles my lap, her knees on either side of my thighs. My hands run up and down her legs and she sighs as I start to kiss her neck. Fuck, she looks hot right now. "I don't deserve you," I whisper as we both pull away and she sighs, her thumb tracing invisible circles on my cheek. "I don't deserve you.. you're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. You're my best friend, my boyfriend, and the boy I'm terribly in love with," she says and smiles, I can't help but do the same. She runs her hand through my hair in the most comforting way, and she starts to run her finger along one of my tattoos, tracing every single mark and line. "Maybe I should get another tattoo?" she whispers and I can't but laugh. "What?" she asks while smiling. "What and where?" I ask and she hums, closing her eyes as if she's thinking about what she wants to get. "Maybe stomach?" she says and I shake my head. "Nope, cross that one out," I state and she rolls her eyes. "Why can't I get one on my stomach?" she asks and I huff. "I don't like the idea of another man's hands on you, especially on your stomach." She leans back and runs her fingertip on my jaw and smiles. "But, you're the only one that would see it," she says, I don't know if she wants to get the tattoo there and wants me to say she can or just saying it to be funny. "I know, but.. okay, if it's a girl giving the tattoo, then sure," I say and she smiles wider, it reaches her eyes. She leans in and kisses me softly again, then opens the passenger door and climbs off of me and out of the car. Whelp, looks like she's getting another tattoo.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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