Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hannah's point of view
My face is in my hands as we wait in the courtroom to see if Clay is gonna be released or not, and I'm honestly shaking. "Don't worry.. it'll be okay," Tony tells me and puts a hand on my knee, giving a small smile again. He takes ahold of my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine. If Tony wasn't here, I'd be a mess. I look at Caleb to my left and he smiles, taking ahold of my other hand. I take a deep breath and I look at Clay in the front, he's shaking as well. Out of all the things the judge just said, all I heard was "Not Guilty." Tears start to flow down my cheeks and Tony and Caleb hug me, Tony having tears in his eyes and Caleb smiling wide. I want to run into my boyfriend's arms right now, but I have to wait outside. Tony smiles weakly and a tear falls from his eye, and when I look around, I see Henry and Clay's sisters, all three crying.
I lay my head on Henry's shoulder after we exit and he has his arm around my shoulder. We wait a few minutes and I see the familiar tall boy with the muscles, tattoos, and piercings. Henry lets go of me and I run to Clay, wrapping my arms around him. I smell his familiar scent and I quietly cry into his hoodie, then I feel his arms wrap around my body. "I missed you so much.." he whispers into my hair and he nuzzles his face into my neck. "I missed you more.." I whisper back into his shoulder and a tear of his own falls onto my skin, making me cry even more. Right here, in this moment, it feels like it's just us, no one else around. I feel more pairs of arms wrap around us both, and we both smile. "We missed you," Tony says and Clay smiles again, but this time wider and with tears in his eyes. "Alright, how about we let these two kids spend some time alone," Caleb says and some of us laugh, the others smile.
Clay grabs my hand as we walk on the sidewalk and to his house, both of us smiling big. He leans down and kisses me on my lips, and I immediately remember how it felt when we used to kiss every single day. I look at him when we reach his house and when he looks at me, his smile turns to a worried look, and he stops dead in his tracks. "Did you cut yourself?" He asks and I shake my head, giving him a confused look. "You're- you're bleeding.." he whispers and points to my thighs, and when I look down, there's blood dripping down my jeans. "Babe.." he mumbles and I start to cry. I lost it. I lost my child. He wraps his arms around me and cries into my hair as I cry into his neck, both of us broken. "Why is it something bad always happens after something good happens?" I sob and he sighs, rubbing my back, "Do you want me to take you to the hospital or do you just wanna go inside?" he says into my hair and I pull away, looking at his eyes that look glossy. "H-hospital.." I mumble and he nods, wrapping his arms around me again. "I'm sorry.." he whispers and I cry even more. I wrap my arms around his arm as we walk to the hospital, both of us still crying silently.
When we walk in, everyone turns to me since my jeans have blood on them, almost all of them giving me weird looks, others giving me worried looks. A nurse rushes over to me, "Ma'am, are you okay?" She asks and I have just a blank expression in my face, numb if anything. "I lost my baby.."
Clay's point of view
I watch her as she stares up at the ceiling in the hospital bed, her hands on her stomach and her eyes bloodshot. I scoot my chair closer to the bed and I gently hold her hand, then I kiss the back of it. "I'm so sorry babe.." I whisper and she sighs, turning on her side, facing me. "I should say sorry to you too.. it was your child too, Clay," she says and I look down, then she takes her hand out of my grasp only to slowly run it through my hair. "I love you, okay?" I tell her and she smiles weakly, then she sits up on the bed and kisses me on my lips. "Don't blame yourself, Clay.." she whispers and I sigh, taking her hand in mine again, "Only if you don't."
The nurse walks in and shuts the door behind her, "Okay, so.. you'll be able to go home tomorrow morning, but there's some news I should tell you." Hannah has a worried look in her eyes, and I gently squeeze her hand, reassuring her that I'm here for her. The nurse sighs and sits on the edge of the hospital bed, "Hannah, you were born with something that, well.. you have a five percent chance to have a perfect child, the other percent, you can have a miscarriage or have a child that is born with a condition, as in Autism or Down-Syndrome.." by the time the nurse is finished, Hannah and I are both crying silently. "I'm sorry.. it's a rarity to be born with this," the nurse whispers and Hannah's face falls in her hands, tears rolling down them. She chuckles but it's not the chuckle I always hear, this one is just pain. "Why is it always that I get punished? Like did I fucking do something wrong in this cruel world?" She says and I put my hand on her back, trying to soothe her. "Maybe I would've been better off committing suicide.." she mumbles and I know I should be there for her right now, but she can't say this shit and expect me not to take this seriously. "Stop it," I say through gritted teeth and she turns her head at me. "I'd fucking die if you weren't here, you know that," I whisper and she runs her hand through her hair. "I'll give you two a moment," the nurse says then stands up and exits the small room that only consists of tension and bright light. "Stop it, alright! How many times are you gonna say you want to die!" I shout and she looks at the wall in front of her, just staring blankly. "I don't mean to seem like an asshole but please Hannah.. stop saying that. I'll take you to a therapist if you want just please, don't say that ever again," I say and I grab her hand, and surprisingly she interlocks her fingers with mine. "I love you.." she whispers then turns her head to me, kissing me softly. "I love you too."

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