Chapter Nine

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Hannah's point of view
I turn around and Clay stops too. "Nice ass, Hannah," Zach says then laughs with his friends and before I know it, Clay has him by the shirt against a locker. Henry rushes to me, "The fuck's going on?" He whispers to me and a crowd starts forming around them. "I- Zach was talking shit to me and, Clay-" I say but Monty runs into Clay and he falls on his back. Why is this happening and why did Zach say I have a fucking nice ass! Instead of letting them go any further, when Clay gets up I grab him by the back of his hoodie and pull him outside the crowd. No, of course I don't have enough strength to pull him but he listenedon instead of just pissing me off. He walks out of the school and sits against a wall and I wait tor everyone to go back to doing what ever they were doing to follow after him. I open the door and rush out, then I sit next to him. "Clay.." I whisper but he ignores me. "Clay." I say louder and he lays his head back against the concrete. I sigh and look at the road in front of us, then I look back at Clay and his knees are bent in front of him as his arms are at his sides. "Look, I'm not mad at you for what you did, but why did you do it?" I say and he sighs quietly. "I don't give a fuck who it is, if anyone says that shit to you, I'll beat them the fuck up." He says and I take a deep breath. "Clay, I like you, I do. But, if someone says something don't let it get to you. I'm kind of used to it by now.." I tell him and he looks down at his lap. "I don't want you being used to it.." he whispers and I look at the trees then I lay my head on his shoulder. I kiss his cheek and he smiles a little. "How's your forehead?" I ask and he crosses his legs. "It's fine, just numb." He tells me and I nod. The bell rings and we get up and start walking on the sidewalk. He grabs my hand as we're walking even though there's people behind us, but I couldn't give a shit. I lay my head against his arm and he smiles while looking down. "You wanna walk to my house or yours?" He asks and I sigh. "I mean, you wanna go in what we wore today or go home today?" I ask him and he looks as a car passes buy us. "I mean, I don't have to wear anything fancy.. just a buttoned shirt or something like that." He says and I smile at him. "You're right." I say and he stays silent but kisses my hand. We walk to my house and he kisses me on my cheek. "Thanks for walking me home," I say and he nods then smiles his most handsome fucking smile. "I'll be here at 5:00, okay?" He says and I nod then kiss him once. He puts his hands in his pockets and looks down at me then smiles again. He kisses me again but this time a little longer, then he walks off on the sidewalk and I smile like a schoolgirl finding out her crush likes her. Wait, that is me. I walk inside then shut the door and I rest my head against it and sigh, but not a sad one, a good one. I go upstairs and I knock on Henry's door and he opens it, "Hey, what's up?" He asks and I run my hand through my hair. "Are you gonna pick Jessica up?" I ask him and he nods. "Okay, that's all I wanted to know," I tell him and he raised an eyebrow, then I walk away and he shuts the door quietly. I go into my room and look at my closet, okay.. I look at my clothes then I look at the clock, I have 2 hours to get ready, don't need much time. I decide on wearing a jean jacket and a skirt, then I get that fucking memory in my head. I look at the skirt again, Clay wouldn't do that to me.. I shake the bad thoughts out of my head and decide to wear it, then I put on a pair of Vans. Henry knocks on my door and I open it. "Does this look okay?" He asks and I look at what he's wearing. A black shirt with jeans and his black boots. "Shirt's too tight, I'll find something for you." I tell him then push past him to his room. I go into his closet then I look at the options. I find him a white shirt and a black leather jacket, then I give it to him. He puts them on then I grab his black cap and put it forwards on his head. About an hour later of my brother and I talking, we hear a doorbell and I tell him I'll grab it and I run downstairs. I open the door and I see Clay with a black buttoned shirt, but it's unbuttoned enough to see the top of his chest, and he has black jeans and a pair of black converse on. He has an arm behind his back, then he gives me a bouquet of my favorite flowers and I hug him. "How'd you know?" I ask him and he smiles. "I've known you since we were kids, I know all your favorites." He says then Henry comes behind me, I can literally see his shadow over me. "Get in the car kiddos," he says then I roll my eyes. Funny thing is, Clay is actually older than him by a few months. Henry gets in the driver's seat as Clay and I get in the back, then he drives to Jessica's house. A few minutes later of Clay and I talking quietly, we arrive at Jessica's house and Henry gets out. Thank the stars he didn't just honk. He walks up to her door and knocks, but Mr. Davis answers. Well, shit.

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