Chapter Twenty-One

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Hannah's point of view
I sit down on his bed and he sits next to me, "I thought it was Justin who did and when I said I have his confession.. I meant his. I don't have Monty's.." he whispers to me and I nod slowly. How would we get Monty's anyway.. he doesn't talk and won't admit to anything. "Hannah, you believe me right?" He asks and I turn to him as my hands rests on my knees, "What do you mean?" I reply and he looks down, "When I said I didn't cheat on you," he says and I nod. "Yes, I do.." I tell him and he sighs. He opens his mouth to say something, but it's cut off by a knock at his bedroom door. He stands up and opens it, his father and a girl who looks my age standing outside. "Hey dad, who's this?" He asks and she smiles at him, "I'm Madison," she tells him and he gives her a small smile and I look down at my lap awkwardly. "Madison is.. your other sister," his dad says and Clay gives him a confused look. Only now, I realize she actually looks like him and their little sister. Same eyes, same coloured hair, same nose shape. "Again.. how did you find this out?" He asks his father and he sighs, "Well, this is also your birth mother's child.. apparently, the child was also mine and she decided to give her up for adoption. Her adopted parents had to move to a different state, and Madison decided to stay here. And, she found me, so.. she's gonna be living here." He tells Clay and he's shocked, I feel so awkward. "She's transferring to Liberty, she's the same age as you," his dad adds and Clay nods slowly. "Well, um.. this is my girlfriend, Hannah," Clay says and his sister waves at me and I wave back - I go back to fiddling with my hands on my lap. "Can you give her a tour at school tomorrow, son?" His dad asks and Clay nods, "Alright, well.. I'll show Madison her room," he adds and then walks away as his daughter trails behind him. Clay shuts his door and lays down next to where I'm sitting. "Hannah, I swear.. if you would've told me sooner, I would-" he starts but I cut him off, "It's not the fact that he raped me Clay. It's the fact that I couldn't be the only one.." I tell him and he folds his arms behind his head, "I'll stop him," he says and I take a deep breath. "What do you want me to do, I'll- I'll kill him with my own bare hands if I have to." He exclaims and I shake my head, "Clay, don't.. you should be happy right now, not worrying about me," I tell him and he leans up, "The first thing on my mind everyday when I wake up is you, okay?" He says and I look down at his wood floor. I turn my head so I'm looking at him and he has a small frown on his face, "You're not scared around me after what happened, right..?" he whispers and I shake my head, "No.. I'm not," I tell him and it sets a small smile on his face as my thumb traces invisible circles on his cheek. I pull him closer to me and I kiss him softly on the lips, his lips warm but his piercing cool. His hand tangles in my hair as mine goes on his back, and I grab him by his shirt as he hovers over me.
2 weeks later, Clay's point of view
"Hey love," I say then kiss her on her head and wrap my arms around her as her back leans against me. Yep, we made our relationship public, frankly, nothing bad has happened? My sister told me she was dating this guy, but not who, and he seems really nice. "Awww look at you two love birds!" Jeff teases us and I roll my eyes and Leah pads over to him, then she kisses him. "Awww look at you two love birds!" Hannah and I say at the same time. "Ha. Ha," Jeff replies and I smile down at Hannah even though she can't see me. "So, you guys excited to be seniors?" Leah asks and Hannah huffs, "Unfair! I declare, it's unfair!" She exclaims and we all laugh. "It is, but, I'd wait for you to graduate so we can go to college together," I whisper the last part in her ear and she puts her hand on my arm. Jeff and Leah start talking to each other and Hannah takes the chance to turn around and she pulls me a bit by my hoodie to lean down, "If I go to your dorm, you better hope your roommate isn't there," she whispers in my ear then bites her lip as she leans back. Fuck. I grin as she stares up at me, "Yo guys, stop eye-fuckin' each other!" Jeff says and Hannah gives me an innocent smile and turns back around. How in the hell does she do that? She leans back against me and I smile to myself. "Clay, I want you to meet my boyfriend," I hear my sister's voice then I turn around, I see Henry standing there. What the fuck?

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